Cerebral palsy is a Developmental disorder that affects movement and posture.  It occurs due to damage in brain mostly before birth.  


  • Spastic Cerebral Palsy : This is the most common type, characterized by increased muscle tone and stiffness. It can affect various parts of the body, including one side (hemiplegia), both legs (diplegia), all four limbs (quadriplegia), or three limbs (triplegia).
  • Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy: This type is characterized by abnormal and involuntary movements. Athetoid movements involve slow, writhing motions, choreoathetosis consists of fluctuating movements, and dystonia involves sustained muscle contractions. Individuals with dyskinetic cerebral palsy may experience difficulty controlling their posture and movements.
  • Ataxic Cerebral Palsy : Ataxic cerebral palsy affects balance and coordination. Individuals with this type may have shaky movements, unsteady gait, and difficulty with precise motor tasks such as writing or buttoning clothes.
  • Mixed Cerebral Palsy : Some individuals may have a combination of different types of cerebral palsy. For example, they may exhibit both spastic and dyskinetic features.


  • Delayed Milestones
  • Hypotonia or Hypertonia
  • Abnormal Reflexes
  • Poor Coordination and Balance
  • Spasticity
  • Gait Abnormalities
  • Fine Motor Skill Challenges
  • Speech and Swallowing Difficulties
  • Involuntary Movements
  • Balance and Coordination Issues
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Seizures


  • White Matter Damage:  Injury to the white matter disrupts signals between the brain and body, particularly sensitive between 26 to 34 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Abnormal Brain Development: Disruptions in normal growth due to infections, fever, trauma, or genetic mutations can lead to abnormalities affecting signal transmission.
  • Abnormal Brain Development: Disruptions in normal growth due to infections, fever, trauma, or genetic mutations can lead to abnormalities affecting signal transmission.
  • Lack of Oxygen: Prolonged lack of oxygen, stemming from low maternal blood pressure, placental detachment, umbilical cord issues, or head trauma during delivery, can lead to brain damage.


Ayurvedic treatment for cerebral palsy  takes a holistic approach, aiming to improve the strength and nutrition of the individual  . It involves herbal medicines, pancha karma chikitsa , physical exercise therapies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes to address the root cause, often attributed to an imbalance in the Vata dosha. 

  • Snehanam: Oil massages helps to nourish and lubricate tissues and muscular system and calming the body and mind.
  • Swedanam: Herbal steam therapy to remove toxins.
  • Rookshanam: helps to remove channel obstruction and strengthens the muscles.
  • Virechanam: Purgation therapy to cleanse the gut.
  • Nasyam: Administration of medicated oils through the nostrils to clear nasal passages and improve brain function.
  • Vasti Chikitsa: Herbal enema therapy that helps in detoxification and balancing the Muscular and nervous system.
  • Kayasekam: Helps to strengthen the body, muscles and entire locomotor system. It is essential treatment procedure to address the stiffness, spasticity, Difficulty in ROM.
  • Shashtika Sali pinda sveda: helps to nourish the body as well as it's having a cooling effect over the channels that enables proper blood circulation.




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