Ayurvedic Treatment for
Asthma In Kerala

Kerala is a well-known destination for Ayurvedic treatments. Even though Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma in Kerala is available at many centres, the best Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma in Cochin is at the Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital. You will also find ayurvedic treatment for childhood asthma as well as adult-onset asthma here. Come, and experience the treatment and hospitality at Sanjeevanam!


Asthma, a chronic respiratory ailment, involves inflammation and constriction of airways, leading to breathing challenges due to increased mucus production. Its impact ranges from mild inconvenience to significant disruption in daily life for those affected by this persistent condition.


There are various types of asthma, depending on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms. Asthma is classified by medical professionals based on several factors.


01. Intermittent Asthma

    The patient has periods of normalcy in between asthma attacks.

02. Persistent Asthma

    In persistent asthma, the patient always has ongoing symptoms which might range from mild to severe.


01. Allergic Factors

    In some cases, asthma attacks are brought on by allergens. These could include moulds, pollens, pet dander, perfumes, etc.

02. Non-allergic

    External influences can also trigger an asthma attack. These include exercise, stress, illness, cold temperatures, etc.


01. Adult-onset

    In these patients, asthma only surfaces after the age of 18 years of age.

02. Pediatric

    Also known as childhood asthma, this type of asthma frequently develops before the age of five and can affect infants and young children.


01. Exercise-induced asthma

    This type of asthma is triggered by physical activity and is also known as exercise-induced bronchospasm.

02. Occupational asthma

    Also known as childhood asthma, this type of asthma frequently develops before the age of five and can affect infants and young children.

03. Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS)

    This condition is experienced when both asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exist within the patient. Breathing becomes challenging in such patients.


As per specialist doctors, asthma is usually staged based on the severity of symptoms. Medical professionals determine the severity of asthma based on the frequency of flare-ups and the frequency of symptoms. The patient’s ability to function during an attack is also taken into account.

  1. Mild Intermittent Asthma
  2. Mild Persistent Asthma
  3. Moderate Persistent Asthma
  4. Severe Persistent Asthma


Ayurvedic treatment for childhood asthma is based on the ancient Indian science of healing known as Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic treatments for childhood asthma include dietary and lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies and massages. Diet changes include avoiding foods that are known to aggravate asthma – such as dairy, refined wheat and processed or fried fast foods.
Lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise and avoiding exposure to cold or dry air will also be beneficial.
In addition to these treatments, the best Asthma treatments in Kerala also recommend yoga and pranayama (a form of inhalation therapy) to improve overall health and reduce stress. Pranayama is particularly beneficial for asthma sufferers as it helps to open the airways and improve lung capacity.
Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma in Kerala is an effective way to reduce symptoms and improve overall health and well-being. While these treatments may not cure asthma, they do help in reducing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. If your child is suffering from asthma and allergies, speak to your doctor or an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the best treatments for their condition.

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Sanjeevanam is known to provide the best Ayurvedic treatment for asthma in Kerala, especially in Cochin. It provides patients with expert guidance on the best Ayurvedic medicines for asthma and other respiratory ailments. The team of highly-experienced asthma Ayurvedic doctors here specialize in treating a range of respiratory disorders through their unique Ayurvedic approach. The ayurvedic treatments provided by Sanjeevanam are based on the ancient Indian system of medicine and use natural ayurvedic herbs to provide relief from symptoms of asthma and other respiratory ailments. Sanjeevanam also provides comprehensive support and advice to ensure that patients follow the right asthma Ayurveda diet, lifestyle and exercise regime. This ayurvedic treatment for bronchial asthma ensures that not only do patients get relief from their symptoms but also prevents future asthma flare-ups. The personalized approach and comprehensive services provided at the Sanjeevanam ayurvedic hospital make it a leader in the field of holistic asthma management.

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Asthma management involves both immediate relief (rescue medication) and long-term management, along with regular doctor check-ups. You can effectively manage Asthma by following the proper treatment schedule as prescribed by your doctor or other healthcare providers – from some of the best Ayurvedic treatment centres for asthma in Kerala, including the Sanjeevanam Ayurvedic Hospital. As part of daily management, you can also avoid asthma triggers by staying away from any known irritants or allergens. Furthermore, do note that not every asthma patient needs the same type or dosage of medication as other patients. Some medications are breathed in while others are swallowed as pills. Experience Sanjeevanam’s especially formulated Asthma Management Program that takes special care to give peace of mind to patients and help them lead a normal life. For a comprehensive and integrated approach to asthma care, Sanjeevanam goes beyond conventional treatments. Our Ayurvedic experts incorporate time-tested therapies and dietary recommendations into your personalized treatment plan, ensuring a holistic and sustainable path to respiratory health.



Asthma or Bronchial Asthma is a disease condition that primarily affects the lungs. When the patient comes in contact with a trigger, there is airways constriction followed by reduced airflow and clogging with sticky mucus. This may produce symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, chest pain, coughing and wheezing.

Asthma can be mild and intermittent or persistent enough to interfere with day-to-day activities, leading to life-threatening asthma attacks. Asthma can be triggered by allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander, mould, etc., or by other non-allergic factors such as exercise, cold temperatures, stress, respiratory infections, etc. While there is no cure for it, asthma can be easily managed by medical professionals and ayurvedic practitioners, enabling patients to live symptom-free lives. Treating asthma early on may also prevent long-term lung damage and help keep the condition from getting worse over time.


The symptoms and severity of asthma vary from patient to patient. They may range from infrequent asthma attacks to the continuous presence of symptoms to symptoms only on exercising or exposure to chilly weather or occupation-related. Commonly seen symptoms include:

a) Shortness of breath.

b) Chest tightness or pain.

c) Wheezing when exhaling, which is a common sign of asthma, especially in children.

d) Troubled sleep caused by shortness of breath, frequent coughing or wheezing.

e) Coughing or wheezing attacks worsened by viral respiratory infections.

f) Rapid breathing or shortness of breath when walking, talking or eating.

Since the onset of symptoms can lead to a life-threatening asthma attack, you will need to consult a doctor or take your fast-acting rescue medication at the earliest.


There are three main stages involved in the proper diagnosis of asthma. These include:

a) Medical History – Your doctor will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms, their severity and what triggers them. He will also want to know if anyone in your family has similar symptoms, your occupation and if you have any known allergies.

b) Physical Examination – The doctor will examine your nose, throat, and sinus as well as look for swollen lymph nodes under the jaw. He will also check your skin for eczema or skin allergies. Finally, he will listen to your breathing very carefully.

c) Lung Tests – He will also ask you to blow into a Peak flow meter as well as have a pulmonary function test (PFT) or Spirometry conducted to check how well your lungs are functioning.

Additionally, X-rays and CT scans of the lungs and sinus may also be done along with a GERD assessment and blood and sputum tests. A skin allergy test could also be performed.


As the name suggests, exercise-induced asthma is brought on by strenuous physical activity and is more common in those with persistent asthma. Asthmatic symptoms may develop 5-20 minutes after starting exercise or 5-10 minutes after a session of brief physical exertion. Also known as exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), it’s estimated that around 90% of asthmatics develop asthma symptoms upon physical exertion.

Normally, the air we inhale gets warmed up and humidified in the nasal passage as we breathe in. But during physical exertion, people tend to breathe in through their mouth, and this air is cooler and drier. As a result, the muscles of the airways contract, thus narrowing the airways, leading to symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, etc. You will need to take your rescue medication immediately or consult a doctor.


It’s possible for people with asthma to also lead normal lives and engage in physical activities. However, only certain activities that involve brief, intermittent periods of exertion such as volleyball, gymnastics, baseball, walking, and wrestling are better tolerated.

Sports that require prolonged periods of activity may not be so well tolerated, including football, long-distance running, basketball, and field hockey, as well as cold-weather sports activities like ice hockey, cross-country skiing, and ice skating. Swimming is one endurance exercise that is well-tolerated by asthmatics and doctors recommended. Even if you have asthma, it’s still very important to remain active for better physical and emotional health. So go ahead and engage in sports and other activities – just keep your rescue medications on hand.


The truth is that regular exercising strengthens the lungs and helps lessen the severity of symptoms of asthma. It also prevents the worsening of inflammation within the airways. The key here is, of course, knowing which exercises to indulge in and how much to push yourself.

One of the most popular exercises for those with asthma is swimming. Walking is another fantastic low-intensity exercise option. Breathing is made simpler by the moderate nature of these activities. Another outdoor activity is going for a leisurely hike. Select a trail that is primarily flat or slopes upwards gradually to reduce exertion. The following sports are appropriate for people with asthma:

1. Swimming
2. Gymnastics
3. Volleyball
4. Baseball
5. Golf

These pursuits will have to include periodic rest periods to make it easier on the lungs.




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