Ayurveda Treatment for Cataract in Kerala

Cataract is a condition characterized by the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, leading to impaired vision. While conventional allopathic treatments often recommend surgery as a solution, Kerala, known for its rich tradition in Ayurveda medicine, offers effective approaches that blend ancient wisdom with modern knowledge. Tailored Ayurveda treatment for cataract in Kerala may involve potent herbal remedies like Triphala, Yashtimadhu, and Amalaki, along with specific dietary changes and therapies such as Netra Tarpana and Nasya. Ayurveda emphasizes holistic wellness, with practitioners aiming to restore balance to the body’s doshas, providing a natural and comprehensive approach to managing cataracts and promoting overall eye health.

What is Cataract?

A cataract is a common eye condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurred or impaired vision. This condition is typically age-related and progresses gradually, often affecting people over 40. Cataracts can cause symptoms such as dim or blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, sensitivity to light, and seeing halos around lights. Cataracts are a leading cause of blindness globally, and early detection is crucial. Understanding its symptoms and seeking timely and appropriate Ayurveda treatment can be essential for effective management and improved quality of life.


1. Vision Loss: Gradual and painless blurring of vision, which may affect one or both eyes, sometimes not corrected with glasses.

2. Coloured Halos: Seeing rainbow halos around lights, caused by light being split by water droplets in the lens.

3. Glare Sensitivity: Increased difficulty with bright lights, such as headlights or sunlight.

4. Frequent Glasses Changes: Increased need for refractive adjustments as the cataract progresses.

5.Colour Vision Changes: Objects may appear faded or yellowed.

6.Decreased Visual Acuity: Reduced vision in one or both eyes, observed during an eye examination.


Several factors contribute to the development of cataracts, primarily aging. Other risk factors include:

  • Diabetes
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Smoking, obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Previous eye injury or inflammation
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications.

Understanding these causes is vital for preventing or delaying the onset of cataracts. Ayurveda treatments focus on mitigating these risk factors and promoting overall eye health through lifestyle and dietary modifications.



Nuclear Cataracts

Location: Affect the center (nucleus) of the lens.

Characteristics: Typically, age-related, leading to gradual vision loss, yellowing, and cloudiness in the central vision.


Cortical Cataracts

Location: Affect the outer edges (cortex) of the lens.

Characteristics: Cause vision to become blurry or have a glare due to white, wedge-shaped opacities that progress inward.


Posterior Sub capsular Cataracts

Location: Develop at the back of the lens, just under the capsule.

Characteristics: Often progress rapidly and can cause problems with reading and glare from lights. Commonly associated with diabetes or steroid use.


Congenital Cataracts

Present at birth or develop shortly after.

Characteristics: Can be inherited or result from maternal infections during pregnancy. They may affect one or both eyes and can impact vision development.


Traumatic Cataracts

Result from an injury to the eye.

Characteristics: Can develop immediately after the trauma or years later, causing varying degrees of vision impairment.


Secondary Cataracts

Can occur after eye surgery or due to other medical conditions.

Characteristics: Often develop after cataract surgery or as a result of certain diseases like diabetes. This type may also be referred to as posterior capsule opacification (PCO) when it occurs after cataract surgery.


Each type of cataract may require different approaches for diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis of Cataract:

Comprehensive Eye Exam:A detailed eye examination by an eye specialist, including visual acuity tests, can assess the clarity and sharpness of your vision.

Slit-Lamp Examination:This test uses a microscope with a bright light to examine the different parts of the eye, allowing the doctor to detect abnormalities in the lens and other eye structures.
Retinal Exam:After dilating the pupils, the doctor examines the retina using an ophthalmoscope or slit lamp to check for cataract presence and other retinal problems.

Tonometry: This test measures the pressure inside the eye, which can help identify other conditions, such as glaucoma, that may coexist with cataracts.

Complications of Cataract


Vision Impairment:

Cataracts can significantly reduce vision clarity, leading to difficulties in performing everyday tasks like reading, driving, and recognizing faces.


Complete Vision Loss

If left untreated, cataracts can progress to complete vision loss or blindness.


Increased Risk of Falls

Impaired vision due to cataracts can increase the risk of falls and injuries, particularly in older adults.


Other Eye Conditions

Cataracts can lead to other eye problems such as inflammation, increased eye pressure, and in rare cases, dislocation of the lens.


Surgical Complications

Though cataract surgery is generally safe, potential complications include infection, bleeding, retinal detachment, and posterior capsule opacification (cloudiness after surgery).


Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to manage cataracts and prevent complications. Regular eye check-ups can help detect cataracts early, allowing timely intervention to preserve vision and overall eye health.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cataract

Ayurveda offers a natural and holistic approach to managing cataracts, focusing on balancing the body’s doshas. Ayurveda treatments for cataracts may include Panchakarma therapies like Netra Tarpana, which involves nourishing the eyes with medicated ghee, and Nasya, where herbal oils are administered nasally to clear toxins. Herbal remedies such as Triphala, which is known for its rejuvenating properties, Yashtimadhu, and Amalaki are commonly used to support eye health and slow the progression of cataracts. Alongside these treatments, dietary modifications, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments are emphasized to enhance overall well-being and support the natural healing process.

Ayurvedic herbs/medicines for Cataract

Kerala is abundant with Ayurvedic herbs that play a crucial role in cataract management. Herbal formulations like Triphala, rich in antioxidants, and Yashtimadhu, known for its anti- inflammatory properties, are used to improve vision and support eye health. Other beneficial herbs include Amalaki, Shatavari, and Guggulu, which help detoxify the body and reduce oxidative stress. These natural remedies, combined with Ayurveda’s holistic approach, offer a gentle yet effective solution for managing cataracts.

Dietary recommendations for Cataract

Cataracts are influenced by aging and oxidative stress, making diet an important aspect of Ayurvedic management. Ayurveda advocates for a diet rich in antioxidants to prevent the progression of cataracts. Foods such as leafy greens, carrots, and fruits like oranges and berries are recommended for their eye-supporting nutrients. Spices like turmeric, which is anti-inflammatory, are also beneficial. It is advised to avoid processed foods, excessive sugar, and oily foods, as these can increase the risk of cataract progression. Ayurveda recommends a balanced diet that supports overall health and eye function.

Lifestyle Changes for Cataract

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle in managing cataracts. Stress management techniques like yoga and meditation are encouraged to reduce oxidative stress. Regular exercise helps maintain overall health and supports eye function. Proper sleep is essential for eye health, and establishing a consistent daily routine can promote stability and reduce stress on the body. Wearing sunglasses to protect against UV rays and reducing screen time are also recommended to prevent the progression of cataracts. Your Ayurveda doctor can suggest personalized lifestyle changes that complement your treatment plan.


Can Ayurveda cure Cataract completely?

Ayurveda treatment for cataracts is effective in managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the condition. The holistic approach of Ayurveda aims to treat the disease at its root. Herbal medicines, along with specialized eye treatments and Panchakarma, are commonly used in cataract treatment.

Can Ayurveda treatment for Cataract improve vision naturally?

Yes, Ayurveda treatment for cataracts can help improve vision naturally by focusing on the overall health of the eyes and reducing the progression of the condition. Ayurveda approaches include herbal medications, specializes eye treatments, Panchakarma treatments, diet and life style modifications

How long does it take to see improvements in symptoms with Ayurveda treatment?

Considering the severity of the condition, consistency of the treatment, and the patient’s response all having impact in the duration of getting improvements in cataract symptoms with Ayurveda treatment. Patients in early stages may see benefits within weeks to a few months. Regular check-ups with an Ayurveda practitioner ensure proper monitoring and treatment adjustments.




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