Childhood obesity is a critical health issue impacting physical health, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. It occurs when a child is significantly overweight compared to their age and height, leading to a higher BMI (body mass index), a measure of body fat based on weight and height.  

Persistent weight gain in childhood can lead to serious health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, breathing difficulties, joint issues, stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers. Contributing factors include genetics, diet, environment, and behaviour. 

 Preventing childhood obesity involves minimizing screen time, promoting a healthy diet, and encouraging outdoor activities to enhance physical activity. Effective management is crucial to mitigate potential health risks associated with pediatric obesity. 


  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or low energy levels
  • Joint pain, stiffness, limited movements
  • Snoring while sleeping, difficulty falling asleep
  • Depression or feelings of low self-esteem
  • Darkening or thickening of neck folds
  • Swelling in the face
  • High blood pressure/high cholesterol
  • Deviant lifestyle habits due to limited activity
  • BMI above 95th percentile for children


  • Family history and genetics can contribute towards childhood obesity.
  • Sedentary lifestyles with too much time spent sitting/lying down and limited physical activity.
  • Socio-economic factors like low-income families with limited access to healthy foods.
  • Some medical conditions and hormonal factors can contribute too.
  • Overeating and unhealthy diets rich in high-calorie foods are a major culprit.
  • Sometimes psychological factors like insecurity and low self-esteem can also trigger overeating and childhood obesity.


At Sanjeevanam, we offer individualized approach to Childhood obesity, focusing on Metabolic correction and Detoxification. 

Ayurvedic treatment for Childhood obesity takes a holistic approach, aiming to balance the body, mind, and soul. It involves herbal medicines, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes to address the root cause, often attributed to an imbalance in the KAPHA dosha. The treatments available at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital include:

  • Snehanam: Oil massages help to nourish and lubricate tissues and muscular system and calming the body and mind.
  • Swedanam: Herbal steam therapy to remove toxins.
  • Rookshanam: Helps to remove channel obstruction and strengthens the muscles and helps to reduce the excess fat deposition.
  • Virechanam: Purgation therapy to cleanse the gut.
  • Nasyam: Administration of medicated oils through the nostrils to clear nasal passages and improve brain function.
  • Vasti Chikitsa: Herbal enema therapy that helps in detoxification and balancing the Muscular and nervous system.




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