Dry eye is a common condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, leading to discomfort, irritation, and vision problems. Just like the skin can become dry and cracked, the eyes can become dry and inflamed, making it difficult to focus and see clearly. For dry eye, Kerala’s ancient Ayurveda medicine provides the greatest all-around treatment. However, it should only be administered by an experienced Ayurveda Ophthalmologist. For those on the lookout for Ayurveda dry eye treatment in Kerala, the Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital offers some of the best eye care treatments in Cochin.

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What Are Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes occur when the eyes either do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, leading to discomfort and vision problems. Tears are crucial for maintaining eye health, providing moisture, and protecting the eyes from infections and foreign particles.

Types of Dry Eyes


Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye:

Occurs when the lacrimal glands do not produce enough watery tears. This type can be caused by aging, hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, or certain medications.


Evaporative Dry Eye:

Caused by inadequate oily tear production from the Meibomian glands, leading to rapid tear evaporation. Factors include eyelid disorders, environmental conditions, or contact lens use.

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Burning, stinging, or scratchy sensations

Feeling of something in the eyes

Redness, irritation, or inflammation

Sensitivity to light

Blurred vision or difficulty focusing

Eye fatigue or strain

Difficulty wearing contact lenses or eye makeup

Increased risk of eye infections

Causes of Dry Eyes

Epiphora can result from a variety of factors, including:

1. Ageing: Tear production decreases with age, particularly in women during menopause.

2. Diseases: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, and thyroid disease can affect tear production.

3. Medications: Drugs like antihistamines and antidepressants may reduce tear production.

4. Environmental Factors: Dry air, wind, smoke, and dust can cause tears to evaporate too quickly.

5. Digital Devices: Extended screen time reduces blinking, which can lead to dry eyes.

6. Contact Lenses: They can reduce oxygen supply to the eyes and disrupt the tear film.

7. Tear Substitutes: Commonly used for symptomatic relief in dry eye, but their effects are temporary, and the preservatives they contain can sometimes worsen the condition.

Complications Associated With Dry Eye


Increased Risk of Eye Infections

Tears play a crucial role in protecting the eyes from infections by washing away debris and providing antibacterial components. Insufficient tear production or poor-quality tears can make the eyes more susceptible to infections such as conjunctivitis or keratitis.


Damage to the Surface of the Eyes

Persistent dryness can cause damage to the cornea and conjunctiva, leading to inflammation, abrasions, and in severe cases, corneal ulcers. This damage can result in pain, redness, and potentially more serious complications.


Corneal Ulcers or Scarring

In severe cases of dry eye, the lack of proper lubrication and moisture can lead to the formation of corneal ulcers or scarring. This can significantly impair vision and may require surgical intervention.


Impaired Vision

Chronic dry eye can cause blurred vision or difficulty focusing. This occurs because the tear film is essential for maintaining a smooth, clear corneal surface. Without it, visual clarity can be compromised.


Discomfort and Pain

The persistent discomfort, itching, burning, or feeling of something in the eye can significantly affect the quality of life, leading to difficulties in performing daily activities such as reading, driving, or working on a computer.


Difficulty Wearing Contact Lenses

People with dry eye often experience
discomfort or intolerance when wearing contact lenses. The lack of sufficient tears can cause the lenses to feel dry and uncomfortable, leading to irritation and potential damage to the eye surface.


Increased Sensitivity to Light

Chronic dry eye can make the eyes more sensitive to light (photophobia), which can cause discomfort in bright environments and affect daily functioning.


Emotional and Psychological Impact

The ongoing discomfort and visual disturbances associated with dry eye can lead to frustration, anxiety, and depression, impacting overall well-being and quality of life.


Progression of Ocular Surface Disease

Dry eye can exacerbate or contribute to other ocular surface diseases, leading to a cycle of inflammation and further complications.


Potential for Chronic Condition

If not adequately managed, dry eye can become a chronic condition, requiring long-term treatment and lifestyle adjustments to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

Diagnosis of Dry Eyes

To diagnose dry eyes, an eye doctor may perform:

Schirmer Test:Measures tear production using a strip of filter paper placed under the lower eyelid.

Tear Breakup Time:Assesses the stability of the tear film using fluorescein dye.

Preventing Dry Eyes

Stay hydrated by drinking enough water.

Eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., fish, flaxseeds).

Protect your eyes from environmental irritants with sunglasses or goggles.

Avoid direct air flow from fans or air conditioners.

Take breaks from digital screens and blink more often.

Apply warm compresses or massage eyelids to improve tear flow.

Use contact lenses designed for dry eyes and follow proper hygiene.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Dry Eyes

In Ayurveda, dry eyes are likened to Sushkakshipaka, caused by imbalances in Vata and Pitta doshas. Factors like exposure to hot, dry weather, excessive screen time, spicy foods, and stress can contribute to this condition. Symptoms include dryness, pain, and difficulty in eyelid movement.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Dry Eyes

For centuries, Ayurveda, an ancient healing science, has effectively managed eye health issues, including dry eyes. It focuses on balancing the three doshas and utilizes herbal remedies such as Triphala, Amalaki, Yashtimadhu and medicated ghee to enhance tear production and reduce inflammation. Ayurvedic approaches also encompass a balanced diet, stress management, regular yoga, eye exercises, special massages, and lifestyle adjustments to address the discomfort and irritation associated with dry eyes. Before initiating any Ayurvedic Eye treatment, it’s crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic Ophthalmologist.


Can dry eyes affect my vision?

Yes, dry eyes can cause vision issues if left untreated. An unstable tear film can lead to blurred vision and discomfort.

What happens if dry eye is not treated?

Untreated dry eye can lead to chronic discomfort, potential damage to the cornea, increased risk of infections, and vision problems. It can also significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.

Is dry eye related to vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin A deficiency can contribute to dry eyes. Eating foods rich in Vitamin A can help prevent this issue.

Can drinking water help with dry eyes?

Yes, staying hydrated supports tear production and can help prevent dry eyes.

How long does it take to see results from Ayurvedic treatments for dry eye?

Results can vary, but many people start to notice improvements within a few weeks of consistent treatment.

Are Ayurvedic treatments safe for dry eye?

Yes, Ayurvedic treatments use natural ingredients and are generally safe. However, it’s important to consult with a qualified Ayurveda practitioner to ensure the treatments are appropriate for your specific condition.

Can pre-menopausal and menopausal dry eyes be managed with Ayurveda treatments?

Yes, Ayurveda can manage pre-menopausal and menopausal dry eyes by balancing Vata and Pitta doshas through targeted herbal treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle practices.

Can lifestyle changes help with dry eye?

Yes, lifestyle changes such as avoiding smoke, using a humidifier, and taking regular breaks from screens can help manage symptoms.

Are there any dietary recommendations for dry eye?

Incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like flaxseeds and fish, can support eye health. Staying hydrated is also important.




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