Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition of central nervous system that creates a neurological imbalance, which in turn leads to loss of consciousness and epileptic attacks.  

Ayurveda considers epilepsy or Apasmara as a Vata disorder caused due to imbalance in Vata dosha. The imbalance in Vata leads to disturbances in the nervous system and disrupts the normal electrical signals in the brain which causes epileptic fits and seizures. 

Apasmara which needs a long-term management plan that includes herbal medication, panchakarma, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. 



  • Generalized Epilepsy : Generalized epilepsy means the seizures involve both sides of the brain. The main types are absence seizures (formerly called petit mal), tonic-clonic seizures (formerly called grand mal), myoclonic seizures, and atonic seizures.
  • Focal Epilepsy: Focal epilepsy means the seizures originate in one specific area of the brain. This includes simple partial seizures and complex partial seizures.


  • Muscle spasm
  • Staring
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Body stiffness
  • Uncontrolled bowel movements
  • Breath issues
  • Uncontrollable jerky movements
  • Rapid eye blinking


  • Genetics is often a significant factor, as around 30-40% of childhood epilepsy cases have a genetic component. Certain genetic mutations or conditions can make a child more susceptible to developing epilepsy. This includes conditions like tuberous sclerosis, which affects brain development, and can cause seizures.
  • Brain injuries, either before or after birth, are another common cause. Things like traumatic brain injuries, lack of oxygen during birth, or infections of the brain and meninges (the membranes surrounding the brain) in infancy can damage brain cells. This damage can then trigger seizures later on.
  • Abnormal brain development can also be a risk factor. Conditions that affect how the brain forms during pregnancy, like congenital malformations, can disrupt brain function and cause epilepsy.
  • Certain infections, especially in early childhood, can increase epilepsy risk. Viral infections like chickenpox, influenza, and herpes encephalitis can all potentially trigger seizures or epilepsy in some children by irritating brain cells.


At Sanjeevanam, we offer individualized approach to Epilepsy, focusing on Metabolic correction and cleansing and Brain nutrition. Ayurveda aims to manage epilepsy in children through correcting the vitiated Vata dosha and strengthening the nervous system.Pancha karma or the fivefold detoxification therapies play an important role in controlling epilepsy in children. Vamana or therapeutic vomiting helps to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the blood and tissues. Virechana or purgation therapy through herbal laxatives helps to eliminate the excess Kapha and cleanse the colon. Nasya or nasal administration of medicated oils and herbal drops help to pacify Vata dosha and relieve seizures. Basti or medicated enema therapy is extremely beneficial in children with epilepsy as it calms down the nervous system and controls the frequency of fits. Shirodhara or pouring of warm herbalized oil on the forehead also helps to pacify Vata and relieve stress.  

  • Snehanam: Oil massages helps to nourish and lubricate tissues and muscular system and calming the body and mind.
  • Swedanam: Herbal steam therapy to remove toxins.
  • Rookshanam: Helps to remove channel obstruction and strengthens the muscles.
  • Virechanam: Purgation therapy to cleanse the gut.
  • Nasyam: Administration of medicated oils through the nostrils to clear nasal passages and improve brain function.
  • Vasti Chikitsa: Herbal enema therapy that helps in detoxification and balancing the Muscular and nervous system.
  • Shirodhara: Helps to calm the child while also ensuring appropriate sleep and enhanced attention.
  • Kayasekam: Helps to strengthen the body, muscles and entire locomotor system.
  • Shashtika Sali pinda sveda: Helps to nourish the body as well as it's having a cooling effect over the channels that enables proper blood circulation.




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