
Myopia, or near-sightedness, is a vision condition where distant objects appear blurry while close objects can be seen clearly. This occurs because the eye focuses light in front of the retina rather than directly on it.



1. Blurred Vision at a Distance: The most common symptom is difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, such as road signs, chalkboards, or TV screens, while close objects remain clear.

2. Squinting: Individuals with myopia often squint to see distant objects more clearly, which can temporarily improve focus but may lead to eye strain.

3. Eye Strain: Frequent squinting and the need to focus harder can cause discomfort in the eyes, leading to eye fatigue and strain, especially after prolonged activities like reading or using a computer.

4. Headaches: Eye strain from trying to see distant objects can result in headaches, particularly around the forehead and temples.

5. Difficulty Seeing at Night: Myopia can cause problems with night vision, making it challenging to see clearly in low-light conditions, especially while driving.

6. Need to Sit Closer: Individuals with myopia may need to sit closer to the television, computer, or at the front of the classroom to see clearly.

7. Frequent Changes in Prescription: Children or adults with progressive myopia may notice the need for frequent updates to their glasses or contact lens prescriptions as their vision deteriorates over time.

These symptoms can vary in severity depending on the degree of myopia.


Myopia develops when the eye is too long or the cornea is too curved, causing light to focus before it reaches the retina. Contributing factors include:

1. Genetics: Family history of myopia.

2. Near Work: Excessive close-up tasks like reading or screen use.

3. Limited Outdoor Time: Reduced exposure to natural light.

4.Ethnicity: Higher prevalence in those of Asian descent.



Simple Myopia

Mild and common, correctable with glasses or contacts.


High Myopia:

Severe form with a higher risk of complications, requiring stronger lenses or surgery.


Pathological Myopia:

Extreme myopia with retina damage, leading to potential vision loss.


Phoropter: Measures refractive error.

Retinoscopy:Evaluates light reflection from the retina.

Slit Lamp:Examines eye structures.



Eye glasses and Contact Lenses:

Correct light focus on the retina.


Laser Surgery:

Reshapes the cornea to correct vision.


Atropine Drops:

To slow down the progression in children.


Cataracts: Cloudy lens, developing earlier in high myopia.

Glaucoma: Increased eye pressure damaging the optic nerve.

Retinal Detachment: Separation of the retina from the eye’s back.

Retinal Detachment: Separation of the retina from the underlying layer due to inflammation.

Myopic Macular Degeneration: Deterioration of the central retina.


  1. Spend more time outdoors.
  2. Regular eye exams to monitor and manage changes.

Ayurvedic Management

Ayurveda approaches myopia by balancing doshas and strengthening eye tissues. Methods include:

Diet: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants; includes foods like carrots, spinach, and almonds.

Herbs: Triphala, Amalaki, and other herbs for nourishing and rejuvenating the eyes.

Eye Exercises: Blinking, palming, and focusing exercises.

Yoga and Meditation: Practices like Trataka for improving vision and reducing stress.


Can myopia be fully cured?

Myopia cannot be fully cured, but it can be managed with corrective lenses or refractive surgery. It can be controlled and symptoms improved.

Is myopia hereditary?

Yes, genetics can also play a significant role in the development of myopia. If one or both parents are myopic, there is a higher likelihood their children will develop it.

Can myopia get worse over time?

Myopia often progresses during childhood and adolescence but usually stabilizes in early adulthood. However, certain types of myopia, like pathological myopia, can worsen over time and lead to serious complications.

How can I prevent my child’s myopia from worsening?

Encourage outdoor activities, reduce time spent on near tasks like reading or screen time, and consider Ayurveda eye care treatment options.

Can Ayurveda fully correct myopia?

Ayurveda aims to manage myopia by improving eye health and reducing symptoms through holistic treatments, but it may not fully correct the refractive error. However, it can complement other treatment methods and slow progression.

Is surgery the best option for myopia?

Surgery, like LASIK, is an effective option for many people with myopia, but it may not be suitable for everyone. A thorough consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary to determine the best treatment.

Does wearing glasses reduce myopia?

Glasses correct vision but do not slow the progression of myopia. Prescription strength
may increase over time if not attended with proper Ayurveda management on time.




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