Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala


Panchakarma- A Rejuvenating and Awakening mantra

Feel your senses come alive and arrive at absolute body-mind harmony by experiencing the revitalizing magic of Panchakarma. Panchakarma, a meld of two words, Pancha, meaning five and karma, meaning procedure, draws upon the ancient science of Ayurveda. Bid farewell to the stress rewarded by the routine rush and rigmaroles and welcome a completely refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Experience Panchakarma treatment in Kerala at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital, where you’ll rediscover health and wellness in a serene setting.

Why should you undergo Panchakarma?

Today’s chaotic lifestyle has given birth to enormous imbalances and ailments ranging from physical to mental . With Panchakarma, you can summon the long-lost balance that brings you back to a healthy, harmonious composition. Panchakarma can address a wide range of side effects rewarded by a ‘race against the clock’ style of life.

Contrary to the popular notions, Panchakarma can be undergone both as a preventive measure to strengthen the vitality and a curative procedure for a range of ailments.




Digestion disorders








Aches and pains


Skin eruptions

Harnessing Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the ancient science of long life, is principled on the basis of ensuring holistic health. Panchakarma, one of its main therapeutic branches, primarily rests on summoning the healing power of nature to restore the body balance and harmony, helping the individual get back to his/her healthy self.

Panchakarma transforms you, in and out.

There are three facets to Panchakarma- the preparatory phase, the main procedures and the post treatment phase.

Preparatory phase- Purvakarma

At the onset, the toxins accumulated in the body are loosened and set free, equipping it to undergo the following procedures and regimen.

Drives out the accumulated toxins from the body by administering medicated oil and herbal mixtures. Pachana has both internal and external applications.

Based on Prakriti or nature of the disease, medicated oil, ghee and other specific mixtures are applied both internally (Abhyantara Snehana) and externally (Bahya Snehana) to facilitate digestion and enhance the body flexibility, thereby gearing up the body for further applications.

In simple terms, Swedana can be described as sweat therapy which serves a multitude of purposes to alleviate the effects of doshas or imbalances. The treatment loosens and aligns the pent up toxins to propel their expulsion in the main procedure.

There are different types of Swedanas which are recommended based on the nature of the imbalance.

Pradhana Karma- the principal treatment

The principal treatment consists of five procedures aimed at purging the body and heating the toxins channelized through the preparatory phase. The mode of treatment varies based on the nature of the Dosha or humour imbalance.

Vamana or Emesis
In kapha-dominant situations, remedial vomiting is induced at regular intervals to expel the kapha and alleviate the disorders arising from the imbalance. Once the accumulated toxins are liquified by the preparatory procedures, medicinal preparations are administered which induce vomiting. The procedure depends upon the health constitution of the individual.

Virechana or Purgation
A bowel-cleaning treatment for bile- related imbalances, Virechana is an elimination process of toxins through the anal canal. Following the preparatory procedures, specially formulated medicines are administered to purge the bowel and intestines.

Vasti or Enema
One of the pivotal therapeutic processes in Panchakarma, Vasti is a colon-cleansing treatment performed through the urinal route, the anal route and through wounds.Owing to the nature of the disease, Vasti is administered using both oil, concoction, cow’s urine and ghee.

Nasya (Sinus Cleansing)
The most effective treatment for ailments like Sinusitis, Migraine and an array of allergies, Nasya results in removing the excessive mucus and cleansing of the nasal passage, resulting in rejuvenated respiration. Medicated oil, ghee and other herbal formulations are inserted through the nasal route at regular intervals.

Raktamokshana aims at cleansing the blood stream and ridding the body of impure blood, thereby addressing eclectic skin disorders and resulting in additional benefits like improved cardio-vascular functioning, reducing hypertension and so on. A para-surgical procedure, several types of Raktamokshana are applied ranging from incision to controlled leech therapy.

Paschat Karma (Post-treatment )

Just as important as the preparatory phase, aftercare or paschat karma plays a pivotal role in the fulfilment of panchakarma treatment. Based on the nature of the treatment undergone, PaschatKarma includes intake of herbal medicines, special rejuvenation treatments and reformations in dietary practices and lifestyle patterns.

Be prepared for Panchakarma

Making some fundamental changes in your lifestyle is essential for an effective Panchakarma treatment.

Stay away from substances like alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and so on.


Refrain from packaged and foods


Reduce sugar intake


To the extent possible, hold on to a vegetarian diet


Keep your body nourished.

Sanjeevanam – the one place for Panchakarma

Panchakarma calls for an expert supervision which looks into aspects in totality. The individual condition of the patient, his lifestyle patterns, food-preferences and even the weather and environment. At Sanjeevanam, every step of the treatment is administered by qualified experts in the discipline in a tranquil environment. Sanjeevanam offers the best panchakarma packages in Kerala and quality treatment since it is equipped with the infrastructure and resources to administer the treatment from start to aftercare.


What is the cost of Panchakarma treatment in Kerala?

The cost of Panchakarma treatment in Kerala starts from ₹50,000, varying based on the duration of treatment and the specific therapies provided. Different packages are tailored to meet individual health needs and preferences.

How many days are required for Panchakarma treatment?

A full course of Panchakarma treatment usually lasts from 7 to 21 days, tailored to individual health needs and objectives.

How to do Panchakarma at home?

We do not recommend performing Panchakarma at home as it involves complex procedures that require professional guidance and proper facilities to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Which ayurvedic oils are used in Panchakarma?

The type of oil used in Panchakarma varies but commonly includes sesame oil, coconut oil, or medicated oils like Mahanarayan oil, tailored to the specific treatment and individual constitution.

How do I choose the Best Panchakarma Centre in Kerala?

Selecting the ideal Panchakarma centre in Kerala means taking a close look at several key factors to ensure you receive personalized and effective Ayurvedic care.

Examine the Centre’s Reputation and Expertise

When searching for the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala, it’s a good idea to focus on centers deeply rooted in Ayurvedic traditions and recognized by NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers). This accreditation stands as a mark of excellence and safety in healthcare. Take a moment to explore reviews and testimonials; these can provide real insights into the experiences of previous patients and the center’s ability to deliver effective treatments. A NABH accreditation highlights a center’s dedication to upholding high standards in Ayurvedic care, making it a trustworthy choice for your wellness journey.

Range of Panchakarma Packages

An authentic Panchakarma centre will offer a diverse selection of treatment packages designed to meet various health conditions and wellness goals. Each package typically begins with a detailed consultation, allowing experienced Ayurvedic physicians to craft a personalized treatment plan that suits your specific needs. Common therapies include Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana, each tailored to address different health issues and promote unique therapeutic benefits. This ensures you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment for your personal health journey.

Qualifications of Ayurvedic Practitioners

Make sure the Ayurvedic practitioners at the centre are not only certified but also come with a strong background in Ayurvedic medicine, especially in administering Panchakarma therapies. Their expertise ensures that your treatment is both safe and effective, helping you get the most out of your wellness journey.

Facility Environment

The setting of the centre plays a crucial role in enhancing the detoxification and rejuvenation processes of your treatment. When choosing a Panchakarma centre, seek out a place that provides a calm, serene, and naturally soothing environment. Such an atmosphere is ideal for healing and relaxation, making your wellness experience not just beneficial but also truly enjoyable.

By carefully considering these factors, you can find a Panchakarma centre in Kerala that not only addresses your specific health needs but also significantly enhances your overall well-being through genuine Ayurvedic healing practices.




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