Parkinson’s disease and Kampavata can be correlate due to some similarities in their symptoms. It is recognized as a Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi in the Charaka Samhita, also referred to as Vepathu by various other Acharyas. In the Madhava Nidana, Vepathu is detailed in a separate chapter and is characterized by Sarvanga Kampa (whole-body tremors) and Shiro Kampa (tremors of the head).
According to Basavarajeeyam, the symptoms of Kampavata provide valuable diagnostic insights into Parkinson’s disease, presenting with signs such as Karapadatale Kampa (tremors in the hands and feet), Deha Bhramana (body imbalance), Nidrabhanga (sleep disturbances), and Ksheenamati (cognitive decline). As Kampavata is classified as a Vatavyadhi, a general management approach for Vatavyadhi can be implemented, tailored to the specific nidanas (causative factors) of the condition.
Ayurveda offers an individualized approach to Parkinson’s Disease, focusing on balancing the body’s energies and removing toxins. The treatments available at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital include