Piles, or hemorrhoids is a commonly occurring problem and it’s easy to find ayurvedic treatment for piles in Kerala. The Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital offers one of the best piles treatments in Kochi, providing natural remedies in a holistic manner. Some of the best ayurvedic treatments for piles in Kerala include kshara sutra or cutting off the blood supply to the pile, use of special ayurvedic formulations, warm medicated water baths and dietary and lifestyle changes.


Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the rectum and anal area. Internal piles may cause painless bleeding during bowel movements, while external piles can be itchy, painful, and may bleed. Causes include sedentary lifestyles, obesity, pregnancy, constipation, and straining during bowel movements. Lifestyle changes like staying hydrated, maintaining a high-fiber diet, and exercising can help. Allopathic treatments include steroid creams and suppositories, with surgery as a last resort. Holistic, ayurvedic treatments are available with no side effects.


  1. Bleeding
  2. Pain
  3. Swelling
  4. Itching
  5. Fecal leakage
  6. Prolapsed piles
  7. Anemia


Piles, or hemorrhoids can arise due to a number of factors, including:

  1. Chronic constipation or diarrhea – These lead to pressure on the rectal area, causing the veins to swell up.
  2. Straining – A well-known cause is straining during bowel movement.
  3. Sitting – Sitting for long periods of time on hard surfaces creates pressure on the rectal area and development of piles.
  4. Age – Chances of developing piles increases with age.
  5. Obesity & pregnancy – Excess weight can create pressure on the rectal region, leading to piles development.
  6. Poor diet – A low-fiber diet can cause constipation and increase risk of developing piles.
  7. Family history – Those with a family history have greater tendency to develop piles too.

To reduce chances of developing piles, adopt a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and better bowel habits.



Internal piles

Located within the rectal region, they aren’t visible unless they become enlarged and protrude out from the anus. Internal piles tend to bleed during bowel movements.


External piles

These are located outside the anus and can be felt as a lump. They can be painful, itchy or bleed.


Thrombosed piles

These can be either internal or external piles in which a blood clot, or thrombus has formed. It causes severe symptoms and requires immediate thrombectomy.


There are a number of holistic ayurvedic treatments for piles/hemorrhoids that provide equally effective improvements in symptoms. Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital in Cochin is renowned for offering the best ayurvedic treatment for piles in the area. In addition to its highly effective treatments, the hospital focuses on holistic methods that ensure sustainable relief and overall well-being. For those seeking the best piles treatment in Kochi, Sanjeevanam provides an exceptional combination of natural remedies and lifestyle modifications. Ayurvedic treatments for piles in Kerala include the use of natural herbs, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, as well as cauterization of the pile. An ayurvedic practitioner or Vaidya can advise the following ayurvedic treatments for piles:


Kshara karma therapy

It utilizes a natural herbal paste that is caustic and alkaline in nature, and helps to chemically cauterize the hemorrhoid. It’s one of the best treatment options, especially if it’s for an open and bleeding pile.


Kshara sutra therapy

Your Vaidya might recommend surgical intervention or kshara sutra to tie off the pile at its base with a special medicated thread. It cuts off its blood supply, making it shrink and fall off in 7-10 days’ time. This therapy takes your dosha type in consideration for healing, and is only performed when other treatments fail.


Arshoghni vati

This ayurvedic medicine for piles contains ingredients like neem, vidanga and haritaki, which are anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial and relieve itching and pain.



This is a combination of three herbs used for promoting regular bowel movements. It can be taken orally or applied topically over the anal area.


Is Piles curable through Ayurveda?

Piles is a painful condition that can be cured completely by following ayurvedic treatments. Your Vaidya might prescribe ayurvedic medications such as triphala, Arshoghni vati, kshara karma, etc., which help provide relief from pain, irritation and bleeding caused by piles. These medicines work in a holistic way to treat both the symptoms as well as the piles. Kshara sutra therapy is also available for excision of the pile.

Why should I consider ayurveda for Piles treatment?

While allopathy focuses on relieving the symptoms of piles, ayurvedic treatment for piles focuses on treating both the root cause as well as the symptoms. The best part is that only natural products are used for treatment of piles in ayurveda, hence there are no chances of side effects. The treatment process is fast-acting and long lasting too.

Are there conditions that have similar symptoms with hemorrhoids?

Aside from hemorrhoids, other ominous conditions such as intestinal ulcers, colon cancers or anal cancers can also produce similar symptoms. These could include pain and/or fresh rectal bleeding on bowel movement too. Unlike hemorrhoids, other conditions may be life-threatening, so it’s always important to show an experienced doctor, instead of trying to treat it by yourself at home.

Are hemorrhoids a serious condition?

While internal or external hemorrhoids or piles are not a life-threatening condition, they do impact the quality of life of the person. You might not be able to partake in all types of activities, sit for long periods of time or consume spicey or peppery foods – without feeling the repercussions. When inflamed or infected, hemorrhoids cause discomfort, pain, and itching.

Can hemorrhoids be prevented?

You can avoid developing piles by following healthy lifestyles. This would mean following a fiber-rich healthy diet that is free of processed food, drinking sufficient water and not following a sedentary lifestyle. Frequent consumption of foods that could cause constipation or diarrhea should be avoided too as they can cause straining and irritation of the lower rectum and anal areas.

Are there any ayurvedic treatment centers for piles near me in Cochin?

Yes, Kerala has many reputed ayurvedic treatment centers for piles. In Cochin, Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital stands out as one of the top choices. Known for its effective and holistic treatment methods, Sanjeevanam offers personalized care that includes natural herbal remedies, dietary and lifestyle adjustments, and specialized procedures like kshara sutra. The hospital’s experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs, ensuring not only relief from symptoms but also long-term health benefits. Additionally, the serene and supportive environment at Sanjeevanam enhances the overall healing experience, making it a preferred destination for those seeking ayurvedic treatment for piles.

What should I look for in the best piles treatment in Kochi?

When seeking the best piles treatment in Kochi, look for centers with qualified and experienced ayurvedic doctors, such as Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital. Known for a holistic approach, Sanjeevanam addresses both symptoms and root causes with herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. Personalized care is crucial; Sanjeevanam offers customized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Ensure the center provides a range of treatments, including kshara sutra and herbal formulations. Positive patient reviews and successful outcomes further highlight Sanjeevanam as a top choice for effective and comprehensive piles treatment.




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