Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, offers natural and holistic approaches to treat acne. According to Ayurveda, acne is caused by an imbalance in the body’s doshas, particularly excess heat or pitta. Ayurvedic treatment for acne focuses on restoring the balance through diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbal remedies. This may include consuming cooling foods, avoiding spicy and oily foods, practicing stress management techniques, and using herbal preparations like neem, turmeric, and aloe vera for topical application. Ayurvedic treatments aim to address the root cause of acne and promote overall well-being, resulting in clearer and healthier skin.


Acne is formed through a complex process involving hair follicles, oil production, dead skin cells, whiteheads, blackheads, oil glands, pores, bacteria, and pimples. It starts with the sebaceous glands, which are connected to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. When the sebaceous glands produce an excess of sebum, it can mix with dead skin cells, leading to clogged hair follicles.
When a hair follicle becomes clogged, it can result in two types of lesions: whiteheads and blackheads. A whitehead occurs when the clogged follicle remains closed, causing a small, flesh-colored bump on the skin’s surface. In contrast, a blackhead forms when the clogged pore opens and exposes the sebum to air, causing it to oxidize and turn black.
Within the clogged follicle, bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes can thrive. These bacteria can cause inflammation, leading to red, swollen pimples. When the follicle wall ruptures due to the buildup of sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, it can result in the formation of inflammatory acne lesions like papules, pustules, nodules, or cysts.
The key factors contributing to the formation of acne are excess sebum production, abnormal shedding of dead skin cells, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, and inflammation. Understanding these processes is crucial in developing effective strategies for acne prevention and treatment.

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Acne can have various causes, including hormonal changes, medications, diet, stress, and excess oil production. Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, leading to acne breakouts. Certain medications like corticosteroids or androgen-based drugs may also contribute to acne development.
Dietary factors can play a role, with high-glycemic foods and dairy products potentially exacerbating acne. Stress can trigger hormonal imbalances and inflammation, worsening acne symptoms. Excess oil on the skin’s surface provides a fertile environment for bacteria to multiply, leading to acne formation.
Understanding these causes can help individuals manage and prevent acne more effectively. Adopting a balanced diet, managing stress levels, practicing good skincare habits, and seeking medical advice for underlying hormonal imbalances or medication side effects can contribute to clearer and healthier skin.


Acne manifests in various forms, each with its own distinct characteristics. The most common types of acne include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, and cysts.

Blackheads, also known as open comedones, occur when hair follicles become clogged with a combination of sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. The clogged pore remains open, allowing the contents to oxidize and appear black.

Whiteheads, or closed comedones, are similar to blackheads, but the pore remains closed. They appear as small, flesh-colored bumps on the skin’s surface.

Papules are small, raised bumps that can be pink or red in color. They occur when the walls of hair follicles become inflamed due to excess sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells.

Pustules are similar to papules but contain pus at their tips. They appear as red bumps with a white or yellow center.

Cysts are larger, painful, and deeper forms of acne. They develop when the inflammation and infection spread deep into the skin. Cysts can lead to scarring if not treated properly.

In addition to these common types, there are other variations of acne. Fungal acne, also known as pityrosporum folliculitis, is caused by yeast overgrowth on the skin, leading to small, itchy, acne-like bumps. Yeast infections can also cause acne-like breakouts.

Dark spots or hyperpigmentation can occur after acne lesions heal. These spots are the result of increased melanin production in the affected area.

Understanding the different forms of acne is essential for appropriate treatment. Consultation with a dermatologist can help determine the specific type of acne and develop an effective treatment plan to address it.



Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a range of effective remedies for treating acne and pimples. Ayurvedic treatment for acne focuses on addressing the root causes of the condition and restoring the balance within the body.
One popular Ayurvedic remedy for acne is “mukha lepam,” which refers to herbal face masks. These masks are made from a combination of Ayurvedic herbs and natural ingredients. They help cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Common herbs used in these masks include turmeric, neem, sandalwood, and rose.
Turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, is often used in Ayurvedic acne remedies. It helps reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and prevent further breakouts. Applying a paste of turmeric and water or incorporating turmeric in mukha lepam can be beneficial.
Neem, with its antimicrobial and detoxifying properties, is another potent herb used in Ayurvedic acne treatments. It helps purify the blood, combat bacteria, and soothe inflammation. Neem can be applied topically as a paste or consumed internally as neem capsules or neem tea.
Navara rice, a specific type of rice, is also utilized in Ayurvedic treatments for acne. Navara rice-based herbal preparations and massages help nourish the skin, promote cell regeneration, and improve overall skin health.


Preventing acne involves adopting a comprehensive approach that incorporates various factors. Consuming amla and vitamin C-rich foods strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin. A balanced diet consisting of nutritious foods helps maintain overall skin health. Neem and aloe vera possess antibacterial properties and can be used topically to reduce acne-causing bacteria and soothe inflammation. Regularly cleansing the skin and avoiding bacterial infections are crucial preventive measures. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins and keeps the skin hydrated. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can be beneficial for acne-prone skin. Additionally, limiting the intake of sugar, dairy products, and processed foods can help manage acne by reducing inflammation and hormonal imbalances.

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While mild acne can often be managed with home remedies and over-the-counter treatments, it is advisable to consult a doctor for acne treatment under certain circumstances. If acne is causing severe scarring or leaving deep scars, medical intervention is recommended. Additionally, if you have cystic acne characterized by large, painful, inflamed nodules under the skin, it is important to seek professional help. Painful papules, persistent acne that doesn’t respond to home remedies, and large pimples that are causing significant discomfort should also prompt a visit to a dermatologist. A healthcare professional can assess the severity of the acne, identify any underlying causes, and provide appropriate medical treatments, such as prescription medications or procedures, to manage and minimize the impact of acne on your skin.


Can Ayurveda cure acne completely?

While Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to manage acne, claiming a complete cure is not realistic. Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance doshas, improve digestion, and purify the body. Combining lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, and proper skincare can significantly reduce acne symptoms, but individual results may vary.

How is acne treated in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, acne is treated by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body and promoting overall well-being. Treatments may involve dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, detoxification methods, stress reduction techniques, and topical applications. Ayurvedic practitioners customize treatment plans based on individual constitution and specific acne symptoms.

How many months does ayurvedic acne treatment take?

The duration of Ayurvedic acne treatment can vary depending on various factors, including the severity of the acne, individual constitution, and adherence to the treatment plan. It typically takes several months to see noticeable improvements, and consistent long-term commitment to Ayurvedic principles and practices may be necessary for optimal results.

Is ayurvedic treatment good for the skin?

Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial for the skin due to its holistic approach. It focuses on balancing doshas, improving digestion, and promoting overall well-being, which can result in healthier skin. Ayurvedic practices, including herbal remedies and lifestyle modifications, aim to address underlying imbalances and promote radiant and nourished skin.

Does ayurveda help get rid of acne scars?

Ayurveda can assist in reducing the appearance of acne scars by promoting skin rejuvenation and healing. Treatments such as herbal remedies, medicated oils, and Ayurvedic facials can help improve skin texture, reduce pigmentation, and encourage the fading of acne scars over time. However, complete eradication of deep or severe scars may require additional interventions.


Sanjeevanam is a renowned Ayurvedic treatment center in Kerala known for its expertise in various health conditions, including acne. With its experienced Ayurvedic doctors and therapists, Sanjeevanam offers personalized treatment plans that incorporate herbal remedies, detoxification therapies, diet modifications, and lifestyle recommendations to address acne concerns. It provides a holistic approach to acne treatment, focusing on internal balance and external skincare to achieve optimal results. However, it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment option for your specific needs.




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