Ayurvedic Treatment for Anal Fissure in Kerala

Anal fissures refer to painful tears in the inner lining of the anus and are usually not considered dangerous. Ayurvedic treatment for anal fissure in Kerala include a blend of ancient healing practices with natural remedies. Natural herbs like Guggulu, Triphala and Neem form part of centuries-old ayurvedic therapies aimed at alleviating pain, reducing inflammation and promoting tissue healing in anal fissures.
Ayurvedic treatment for painful anal fissures typically include dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and herbal medications tailored to individual needs. For anal fissures of long standing, therapies like Kshara Sutra, an ayurvedic surgical technique, can also be employed in severe cases.

What is Anal Fissure?

An anal fissure is a small painful mucosal tear in the inner lining of the anal margin. This common condition is usually self-limiting with the mild tear healing within a few weeks. It usually results from trauma incurred when passing large or hard stools and results in symptoms that include rectal pain and anal sphincter spasms, especially when passing stool. Anal fissures can cause chronic pain and discomfort and impact daily activities. Afflicted people may develop bowel movement fear due to the associated pain arising when passing stool. Understanding the anal canal anatomy is crucial for its diagnosis and treatment.


Effective management of anal fissures involves observing the signs and symptoms of anal fissures, changes in stool color, prolonged discomfort, anal sphincter tightness and fissure visibility. Bright red blood on the stool, a visible crack in the anal skin and intense pain during after bowel movements could be signs and symptoms of acute fissures. Chronic fissures could present as a sentinel pile, or a small lump of tissue or skin tag near the anal fissure.
Acute vs chronic cases can also be distinguished by monitoring stool color changes and knowing the duration of discomfort. Appropriate treatment strategies can then be formulated.


Common causes of anal fissures on the moist lining of the anus include factors like low-fiber diet, anal stretching when passing hard or large stools, or constipation and straining during defecation. Anal fissures can cause pain and discomfort during and after passing stool and may sometimes even bleed. Aging adults, those with a history of previous fissures, and individuals experiencing decreased blood flow to the area are more susceptible to this painful condition. Though anal fissures are common, they aren’t considered dangerous and can be mitigated with proper hydration and dietary adjustments.
Seek medical advice for persistent symptoms and effective treatment.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Anal Fissure

Ayurvedic treatment for anal fissures in Kerala include time-tested holistic therapies and herbal remedies. Some of the commonly used ayurvedic treatments include medicated herbal oils renowned for their soothing properties. These are applied through Snigdhavirechana (lubrication therapy) or Abhyanga (oil massage) for effective pain relief and tissue repair. Depending on the individual’s unique needs, Basti (medicated enema) can also be applied to cleanse and rejuvenate the affected area. Anal dilation therapy may also be used to reduce anal tightness and promote blood flow to the area for expediting healing.

All these anal fissure healing techniques are effective in promoting healing, reducing inflammation and lessening discomfort in the area. These treatments can be accompanied with increased dietary fiber intake, increased hydration as well as frequent soaking in a warm water bath. Consult our experienced ayurvedic practitioners at the Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital at Kochi, Kerala, for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Ayurvedic Herbs/Medicines for Anal Fissure

Ayurvedic herbs and medicines play a key role in the natural treatment of anal fissures. Commonly growing herbs in Kerala such as Kapikacchu and Guduchi possess anti-inflammatory properties and aid in tissue repair in those with anal fissures. While Arshoghni Vati is renowned for its efficacy in managing anal fissures, Bhallataka helps alleviate discomfort and promotes healing. Pippali and Chitrak are also utilized for their therapeutic benefits, promoting digestive health and reducing inflammation. Jatyadi oil and Nirgundi oil provide soothing relief and facilitate recovery. Incorporating these medicinal herbs into a holistic treatment plan for anal fissures provides effective relief.

Dietary Recommendations for Anal Fissures

Anal fissures are a common problem that can occur at any stage of life. While they are not considered dangerous, they do cause significant discomfort and pain and restriction of daily activities. Diet plays a major role in their management and opting for a soft diet rich in legumes and seeds can help ease the passage of bowel movements. You can also incorporate prunes and figs into your daily diet for a substantial dose of natural fiber that will aid in digestion and softening of stool.
Adequate hydration with warm water intake will also keep stools soft and easy to pass. Additionally, herbal laxatives and digestive aids like aloe vera offer gentle relief and minimized irritation. It’s advisable to limit or avoid caffeine and alcohol, as these can further dehydrate the body and worsen constipation.
For a comprehensive dietary regimen, consult our experienced ayurveda practitioners at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital, Kochi, Kerala.

Lifestyle Changes for Anal Fissures

Anal fissures are thin painful tears in the moist lining of the anus. For holistic treatment and management of anal fissures, some basic lifestyle changes become a necessity. These include increasing the intake of fiber or fiber supplements for easing the passage of stool, as well as for softer stools. Adequate fluid intake will also ensure that the body is hydrated, resulting in softer stools and easier passing of stool. Though it may prove challenging, avoiding strain during defecation will minimize pressure on the anal area, preventing further aggravation of the anal fissure.

Maintaining proper anal hygiene, including gentle, but thorough cleaning with water will prevent infection and irritation. Consider increasing sitz bath frequency after every bowel movement to soothe the pain and promote healing. Pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback therapy can further strengthen muscles around the anus and retrain pelvic muscles for reducing strain and improving bowel habits.


Can Ayurveda offer a permanent cure for anal fissures?

Kerala ayurveda offers an effective cure for anal fissures. It provides a comprehensive treatment regimen that includes the use of highly effective herbs and herbal medicines, dietary recommendations, specific exercises and lifestyle changes. All these holistic and time-tested therapies help alleviate the symptoms of anal fissures, including discomfort, pain and inflammation. Medicines containing herbs like Guggulu and Triphala as well as fiber supplements like Psyllium straw are among the top preparations used.

Are there any Ayurvedic home remedies for immediate relief from anal fissure pain?

Some common ayurvedic preparations and natural remedies that can be used at home for attaining relief from the pain and discomfort of anal fissures include Ashwagandha Sweda or warm sitz baths. Other ayurvedic preparations that can be used easily at home include Jatyadi herbal oil applications and Guggulu formulations. Aside from this, natural Isabgol fibers can be added to the diet to soften the stool and ease passage of stool.

How long do anal fissures take to heal?

Recovery patterns for anal fissures differ among different individuals. Short-term or acute anal fissures can heal within a few days to a few weeks, with just simple home treatments. However, if it hasn’t healed by 8-12 weeks, it is referred to as a chronic anal fissure and needs to be evaluated by an experienced medical practitioner. It will require more intensive treatment, including minor surgical interventions.




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