Ayurvedic treatment for autism in Cochin, Kerala, is based upon creating a fine balance between the mind, body and spirit. It focuses on correcting the imbalance in the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) using a combination of therapies including massages, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies and dietary changes. However, do note that there is no proven cure for autism, hence any treatment should be done along with conventional therapies, and under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner.


Autism is a disorder of neural development that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and by restricted and repetitive behaviour. The conditions coming under Autism Spectrum Disorders are neurological in origin, developmental in progression, and psychological in manifestation. The main forms of ASD are Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Pervasive Developmental disorder, Rett syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative disorder. Delayed language skills, delayed cognitive or learning skills, hyper active and impulsive behaviour, unusual eating and sleeping habits, gastrointestinal issues, and mood fluctuations are the characteristic features of autism spectrum disorder.


  1. Delayed speech development
  2. Rejecting cuddles
  3. Hyperactivity
  4. Sleep problems
  5. Preferred to play alone
  6. Spin objects


  1. Poor eye contact
  2. Cant wave good bye
  3. Likes to play alone
  4. Continuous repetition of words
  5. Fail to copy word or actions
  6. Not pointing at anything
  7. Not engaging in pretended play
  8. Spinning in circles
  9. Flapping their hand


  1. There is still no definitive cause associable with autism, except for a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. And contrary to belief, parenting styles or vaccines cannot be blamed for autism either. Some other possible causes include:
  2. A strong association between genetic factors and autism development have also been identified, with several genes having been specifically associated with contributing towards autism.
  3. Certain environmental factors can also play a role in developing autism due to exposure to certain toxins like lead or mercury, maternal infections during pregnancy, congenital Rubella syndrome, etc.
  4. Other conditions could be genetic syndromes such as Fragile X syndrome, prematurity, tuberous sclerosis, older parental age, etc.

Early diagnosis is best for better outcomes.


Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) describes a set of neurodevelopmental disorders that affect the behavior, communication and social interaction skills of a person. The term ‘spectrum’ is used as the symptoms and severities vary a lot between individuals. Some conditions that are closely related to ASD include:



This is the classic form of ASD and is characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction such as understanding social cues, making eye contact, delayed language skills, obsessive interests, repetitive behaviors, etc. Most of these symptoms become obvious from early childhood onwards.


Asperger’s syndrome

Here, the individuals don’t have problems with language development delays and cognitive impairments, as this is a milder form of autism as compared to the classic type.


Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

This term is used to describe those individuals who have some level of autism, but don’t fall into either of the above two groups of classical autism or Asperger’s syndrome.


Childhood Disintegrative disorder

Here, the child develops normally till the age of 3 to 4 years before regressing over a few months and losing their social, motor, communication and language skills. The symptoms and seizures are more severe than in the case of classic autism.


Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder is also characterized by repetitive patterns of behavior. Ayurvedic management of autism is based on Unmada Chikitsa with a multidimensional approach by incorporating herbal medication, bio-purificatory principles of Ayurveda, tailored diet, counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and yogic practices.
Snehapanam, Siropichu, Mridusneha Sodhana, Niruha and Sneha Vasthi, Nasya, Anjana, Utasadanam, Abhyangam, Thalapothichil, Dhara are some procedure-based therapies done in the autistic child.

    01. Snehapanam (Internal Administration of Medicated Ghee)
    This is the classic form of ASD and is characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction such as understanding social cues, making eye contact, delayed language skills, obsessive interests, repetitive behaviors, etc. Most of these symptoms become obvious from early childhood onwards.

    02. Siropichu (Application of Oil on Head)
    The application of oil on the head helps to nourish the sense organs.

    03. Niruha & Sneha Vasthi
    Helps to clear the CNS, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

    04. Mridu Sneha Sodhana (Purificatory Procedures )
    Elimination of Dosadhathu mala is indicated in conditions where ever the mental channels are blocked by Dosadhathu malas . Vamana (therapeutic emesis) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation) are the ideal choices as purificatory procedures. According to dosha, predominance, Vaidya decides the choice of purificatory procedures

    05. Nasya and Anjana
    Helps to clear the CNS, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.


Can autism be cured?

There is no cure for autism and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for autism either. The goal of treatment is to reduce the symptoms of the disorder and maximize the child’s ability to learn, function and develop as normally as possible.

Is ayurvedic treatment effective for Autism?

Ayurveda practitioners claim that ayurvedic therapies including special diets, yoga and meditation, herbal treatments and abhyanga massages are very helpful in improving symptoms of autism; these could include improvements in social skills, communication, anxiety, ability to focus, sleep, eye contact, etc.

Can a child with autism live a normal life?

Since severity of symptoms vary, an honest answer would be that yes, most people with autism spectrum disorder can manage to live independently as adults. It should however be clarified that not all are able to achieve the same level of independence.

Is autism hereditary?

If a person in your family has autism, there is a higher chance of your having a child with autism too. Since the symptoms of ASD vary a lot, do check your family health history very closely, for an early diagnosis.

Is autism a neurological disorder?

Autism is considered as a neurological and developmental disorder. It affects how people interact, communicate, behave and learn, with symptoms appearing usually within the first 2 developmental years of life. These disorders are caused by complex differences in the brain.




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