Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that offers holistic treatments for childhood obesity. It focuses on the root cause of the issue, rather than just treating the symptoms. Ayurveda practiced in Kerala is known for its authentic treatments, including ayurveda for childhood obesity. There are a number of ayurvedic hospitals in Cochin that offer various herbal ayurvedic medicines for childhood obesity. Do note that there are no quick-fix solutions as far as obesity and ayurveda are concerned.


Childhood obesity is a critical health issue impacting physical health, self-esteem, and emotional wellbeing. It occurs when a child is significantly overweight compared to their age and height, leading to a higher BMI (body mass index), a measure of body fat based on weight and height. Persistent weight gain in childhood can lead to serious health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, breathing difficulties, joint issues, stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers. Contributing factors include genetics, diet, environment, and behavior. Preventing childhood obesity involves minimizing screen time, promoting a healthy diet, and encouraging outdoor activities to enhance physical activity. Effective management is crucial to mitigate potential health risks associated with pediatric obesity.


  1. Difficulty breathin, shortness of breath
  2. Fatigue or low energy levels
  3. Joint pain, stiffness, limited movements
  4. Snoring while sleeping, difficulty falling asleep
  5. Depression or feelings of low self-esteem
  6. Darkening or thickening of neck folds
  7. Swelling in the face
  8. High blood pressure/high cholesterol
  9. Deviant lifestyle habits due to limited activity
  10. BMI above 95th percentile for children


Childhood obesity is a complex issue attributable to multiple causes and should likewise be treated with a multi-pronged approach. Here’s a look at some common causes of childhood obesity:

  1. Family history and genetics can contribute towards childhood obesity
  2. Sedentary lifestyles with too much time spent sitting/lying down and limited physical activity.
  3. Socio-economic factors like low-income families with limited access to healthy foods
  4. Some medical conditions and hormonal factors can contribute too
  5. Overeating and unhealthy diets rich in high-calorie foods are a major culprit
  6. Sometimes psychological factors like insecurity and low self-esteem can also trigger overeating and childhood obesity.
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Here is a look at some ayurvedic remedies for childhood obesity:

Palliative (Shamana) treatments:

    • Fasting or Langhan
    • Oral digestives to aid fat metabolism (Ama Pachan)
    • Filling and low-calorie diets (like salads)
    • Ruksha Udwartan or dry medicated powder massages
    • Physical and mental activities

Purificatory stage (Samshodhana Chikitsa):

  1. Panchakarma therapy, which includes therapeutic emesis or vaman, purgation therapy (virechan), medicated enema (vasti), etc., are a good place to begin the purificatory treatment of obese children
  2. Start the day with drinking warm water mixed with honey and lime as it’s believed to improve digestion. The child should consume less oily foods along with this.
  3. Some of the single drugs that are known to be effective in treatment of childhood obesity include Sunthi, Musta, Guduchi, Vidanga, Vacca, daruharidra, etc.
  4. Guggulu is a natural resin produced by the guggul tree. It is well-known for boosting metabolism and burning fat.
  5. Based on the need, there are compound formulations too to promote weight loss. These include Triphala churna, vidangadi churna, Navayasa lauha, Arogya vardhini vati, etc.
  6. Deep tissue herbal oil massages can also improve circulation, improve metabolism and boost fat loss.
  7. Physical activities and yoga are beneficial in treating childhood obesity too.


How do beverages factor into childhood obesity?

Consumption of sugar sweetened beverages is believed to be a key contributor to the current epidemic of obesity in children, and are a favorite drink of choice for millions of kids around the world. Consuming these sugary drinks increases the risk of excessive weight gain, tooth decay and other preventable diseases in adulthood such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

What is pediatric obesity and what causes it?

Body weight is maintained by physiological mechanisms that maintain a balance between energy consumed and energy burnt. Childhood obesity occurs when there is an imbalance between these two factors, with the surplus energy ending up stored as body fat. Childhood obesity is generally caused by excessive consumption of unhealthy food, high-calorie beverages, limited physical activities as well as medical and genetic factors.

How do you know if your child is overweight?

The best way to tell if your child is obese is by calculating their BMI (body mass index). The BMI calculator employs a formula that uses the child’s body weight relative to their height, to produce a score that tells whether the child is overweight. The child is considered obese if his/her BMI is at/above 95th percentile for children with same age/gender.

Is childhood obesity a disease?

On its own, childhood obesity is not a disease, and doesn’t guarantee that the child will develop other health conditions in the future. However, it should be kept in mind that obesity itself can become a precursor for other medical conditions and lead to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, breathing problems, etc.

What can I eat for ayurvedic detox?

For ayurvedic detox, you can eat vegetarian foods that are not processed but are freshly cooked. Easily digestible foods rich in probiotics, fiber and Indian spices are ideal during a detox. Non-vegetarian foods, oily foods, alcohol and coffee are best avoided.




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