The verdant state of Kerala located in southern India is well-known for ayurvedic treatments for the management of degenerative disc problems. Ayurvedic treatments are a preferred way of life here and focus on natural remedies, therapeutic massages, dietary adjustments, herbal treatments and lifestyle changes. It’s not surprising then that there are many Ayurveda centers, hospitals and resorts in Kerala that are renowned for their comprehensive treatment programs for degenerative disc problems. In Kerala’s lush surroundings, it’s a top choice for those seeking effective, natural healthcare solutions.


Your spine is a masterpiece in motion and you wouldn’t want anything to go wrong with it. So, for those seeking natural ayurvedic treatment for disc problems in Kerala, it’s essential you consult a genuine and qualified ayurvedic practitioner or ‘Vaidya’. He will be able to provide you with a proper diagnosis and design a treatment plan that is uniquely suited to your specific needs and conditions. Do note that you will need to keep your allopathic healthcare provider updated about any complementary medical treatments you might decide to pursue.


The adult spinal column typically consists of 26 separate movable pieces of interlocking vertebral bones with gelatinous spinal discs between them. These discs act as ligaments and shock absorbers. Degenerative disc disease can gradually wear down these cushions, leading to thinner and weaker discs, potentially causing pain, stiffness, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and even paralysis if left untreated. Aging, spondylosis, poor posture, osteoarthritis, and accidents are common causes, affecting mainly the cervical and lumbar intervertebral discs. While not life-threatening, degenerative disc disease significantly lowers the quality of life and is challenging to reverse without surgery.

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Degenerative disc disease is most likely to present as neck pain (cervical spine) or as lower back pain (lumbar spine) as these parts of the spine endure the most movement and are more susceptible to wear-and-tear. Some common symptoms indicative of a degenerative disc includes low-grade continuous pain that flares up occasionally into more severe disc pain upon aggravation. The pain can be severe or nagging, can worsen upon sitting and can last from anywhere between a few days to a few months. The pain can get worse when you bend down, lift something or twist.
Aside from pain in the lower back, upper thighs or buttocks, there can also be numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, muscle spasm or muscle tension leading to further spinal instability and weakness.


The intervertebral discs are made up mainly of fluid, and with the aging process and wear and tear, they begin to lose these fluids, dry out, become thinner and develop tears and cause nerve impingement. It also results in their inability to absorb shocks efficiently and to develop other painful conditions including herniated discs which can affect surrounding nerves.
Some of the commonest risk factors associated with changes to the spinal structure and degenerative disc disease are aging and genetics; discs naturally lose fluids and become more susceptible to damage with age and those with a family history of spine related problems tend to be at a higher risk. Poor posture, poor physical activity, occupation that requires repetitive stress on the spine can all result in injury to the vertebral bones and discs. Those having obesity issues or having suffered some injury to the spine, are also at greater risk for accelerated disc degeneration.


Ayurveda, the ancient system of medical practice from India, offers holistic treatment for degenerative disc disease. It works by addressing the root cause of the problem to promote overall wellbeing. The ayurvedic treatment procedure should include the following:


Assessment by a qualified ayurvedic physician who specialises in spinal care. They will be able to give you a correct diagnosis of your underlying disc problems and outline a suitable therapy.


Panchakarma, a detox and rejuvenation therapy, eliminates toxins and balances doshas. Tailored treatments like Swedana (steam therapy) and Abhyanga (oil massage) address degenerative disc problems effectively.


Specialised therapeutic massages such as Kativasti or warm oil treatment for the lower back and Greevabasti, a warm oil treatment for the neck, help to improve wellness and flexibility of the spine.


Lifestyle modifications that include advice on ergonomics and postures as well as specific yoga and stretching exercises.


Herbal medicines help in alleviating pain, inflammation and health of the spine.


Adequate rest and sleep form an essential part of recovery in ayurvedic treatments.


Follow-up care is part of Ayurveda treatment so that adjustments can be made in the treatment regime as necessary.


Ayurvedic medicine originated around 5000 years ago in India and focuses on achieving a balance between the mind, body and spirit. Ayurvedic treatments work from the root level to provide relief from stress on the spine and reduce the overall symptoms. Benefits of ayurvedic treatment include:


It follows a holistic approach, promoting balance between physical, mental and spiritual wellness.


It provides preventative healthcare by promoting long-term health with lifestyle and dietary guidelines and creating a balance between the mind and the body.


Another benefit is the natural and herbal ingredients used in ayurvedic treatment. This ensures there are no side-effects to ayurvedic treatment.


Ayurvedic treatments have a rejuvenating effect on the mind and body, leading to balancing of the doshas and improvement of health.


Lifestyle modifications that include advice on ergonomics and postures as well as specific yoga and stretching exercises.


The best part is that ayurvedic treatments are achievable while being non-invasive.


Ayurveda gives importance to proper digestion as being the foundation of good health.


How effective is Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc problems?

Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc problems is both external and internal in nature. It includes the use of herbal medications to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as specific therapeutic ayurvedic massages specifically targeted to the area requiring treatment. Lifestyle modifications, posture and diet and weight corrections, as well as sufficient rest all go hand in hand towards enabling effective non-invasive ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease.

Can Ayurvedic treatments reverse disc degeneration?

While ayurvedic treatments cannot reverse disc degeneration like surgery can, it can definitely provide substantial relief from pain and inflammation. In some cases, it can also slow down or prevent worsening of disc degeneration. Ayurvedic treatments for degenerative disc disease act as a complementary approach – especially if it’s in an advanced stage, and help to improve the patient’s overall quality of life and improve their mobility.

How long does it typically take to see improvements with Ayurvedic treatments?

The time needed to see improvements with ayurvedic treatments is dependent on a number of factors. These include the patient’s health and wellbeing, the condition being treated, the severity of the issue, the medications and therapies being used and the frequency of their applications, etc. Irregular or half-hearted adherence to recommended treatments would result in longer timelines before significant progress can be seen, so due diligence is necessary.

Can Ayurvedic treatments be used alongside conventional treatments like surgery or physiotherapy?

While ayurvedic treatments are non-invasive and made of all-natural organic materials that do not have any side effects, it’s always wiser to let your allopathic doctor or surgeon know of any other alternative medical treatment you may be considering. Usually, your Ayurveda practitioner himself will be able to guide you towards making the right decision. Aside from this, ayurvedic therapeutic massages will only add to the benefits gained through physiotherapy.

Can Ayurvedic treatments prevent the need for surgery in degenerative disc problems?

While ayurvedic treatments cannot reverse the effects of degenerative disc problems, when initiated at an early stage, they can help slow down the progression of degenerative disc disease and prevent the progression towards need for surgery. Ayurveda should be approached as a complementary therapy which can only prevent the need the for surgery if it’s caught at an early stage, and if the patient strictly adheres to treatment conditions necessary for it to remain effective.