Ayurvedic Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus in Kerala

Ayurvedic treatment for pilonidal sinus in Kerala offers a holistic approach that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. Ayurveda treatments alleviate symptoms of a disease by targeting the root cause of the condition. Since the pilonidal sinus located over the tailbone area becomes easily infected and painful, ayurvedic treatments may include the use of medicated herbal oils, herbal poultices and personalized dietary recommendations in accordance with the individual’s imbalanced doshas.
Kerala is renowned for its authentic ayurvedic expertise and there are numerus ayurveda hospitals available here. The Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital at Kochi, Kerala, provides a serene resort-like environment conducive to healing and regeneration.

What is Pilonidal Sinus?

Pilonidal sinus is a common condition found in young people aged 15-30 years. It includes the formation of a small hole or tunnel in the top region above the two buttocks. This painful condition is characterized by hair follicle inflammation that leads to chronic infection and abscess formation and may ooze pus and blood.
It presents as skin pits in the sacrococcygeal region and symptoms include pain and reddening of the skin. Understanding the nature of pilonidal sinus and weighing surgical versus non-surgical treatments is crucial for effective management. Surgical interventions include excision or drainage, while non-surgical involves regular cleaning, antibiotics, and lifestyle modifications.

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF Pilonidal Sinus

Prolonged sitting can cause the hair in the coccygeal region to burrow back into the skin, and the body’s immune response forming a cyst around it. Some of the important infection signs and symptoms include skin redness and soreness, tenderness in the coccyx area and cyst growth. The patient will also experience chronic pain, whether sitting or standing, and this discomfort will have an impairing mobility impact. Other infection signs include fever of around 340 C in a few patients and swelling in the region followed by drainage of foul-smelling pus or blood.
Recognizing these symptoms is vital for timely intervention.

Pilonidal Sinus

The exact cause of pilonidal sinus is hard to determine, but it’s believed to be due to a combination of factors. Since it always occurs after puberty, it could be due to a combination of factors such as hormones, hair growth and friction from wearing tight clothing. Implicated causes of pilonidal sinus include hair penetration into the skin, especially in those with excessive body hair or those leading sedentary lifestyles. Other causes could include wearing clothing with no allowance for skin to breathe, cycling or trauma to the coccygeal area. Poor hygiene issues may also contribute to formation of pilonidal sinus.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal sinus is known as Nadi Virana in ayurveda which offers a variety of holistic healing treatments through ancient therapeutic practices. These include the Shodhana (body purification) treatment which detoxifies the body to get rid of toxins and restores balance between the doshas. The Lekhana (scrubbing technique) is applied for cleansing the affected area and promote healing. The Marma therapy targets vital energy points to help alleviate pain and stimulate the natural healing mechanism.
Aside from these, warm herbal poultices containing neem or turmeric with antimicrobial properties can be applied to facilitate wound healing practices and lower inflammation. Another major ayurvedic treatment is the Kshara Sutra therapy which employs threads smeared with ayurvedic herbs and placed inside the pilonidal sinus. Ayurveda practitioners also emphasize on preventive care such as maintaining proper hygiene and avoiding sitting for prolonged periods of time. Ayurvedic treatments are focused on addressing the root cause and fostering long-term benefits.

Ayurvedic herbs/medicines for Pilonidal Sinus

Ayurveda classifies pilonidal sinus as a type of ‘Grandhi’ or cyst which can lead to ‘Bhagandara’ or fistula formation. Ayurvedic medicines and herbs used for pilonidal sinus comprise of a mix of potent ingredients known for their therapeutic benefits. These can include Vidanga, Karanja and Yasthimadhu which exhibit cleansing effects and purify the affected area. Anti-inflammatory herbs like Daruharidra and Manjistha help alleviate discomfort and swelling while Apamarga and Jivanti support wound healing and tissue repair.
These anti-inflammatory and cleansing herbs work in tandem to address the underlying root causes of pilonidal sinuses, while providing relief from the distressing symptoms.

Dietary Recommendations for Pilonidal Sinus

Aside from taking natural herbs and medicines for pilonidal sinuses and avoiding prolonged sitting, ayurveda also recommends dietary changes. These include a focus on antioxidant-rich foods like green leafy vegetables and omegs-3 fatty acids from fish. Balanced diets including proteins, fibers and vital nutrients along with turmeric milk, not only nurture the body, but also provide anti-inflammatory benefits and symptomatic relief. While detoxifying foods such as fruits and vegetables aid in getting rid of toxins from the body, it’s also essential to avoid sugary and fatty foods that are known to exacerbate inflammation. These dietary guidelines support natural healing and overall wellbeing.

Lifestyle Changes for Pilonidal Sinus

While there is no foolproof method to preventing pilonidal sinuses, there are some crucial lifestyle changes you can make to manage them more effectively. Include regular skin checks into your lifestyle to help in early detection of any recurrences or new symptoms of pilonidal sinuses. Employing hair removal methods like shaving or waxing in the affected area can further prevent the risk of hair penetration and development of inflammation. Proper wound care, including keeping the affected area clean and dry promotes healing and prevents infection.
Activity modification, such as avoiding prolonged sitting or cycling, can also help alleviate pressure on the affected area. Maintaining a correct sitting posture can reduce friction and irritation. Opting for natural fiber clothing allows for better airflow, preventing moisture buildup and chances of infection. Lastly, good personal hygiene practices, including regular cleansing and drying of the area, will prevent bacterial growth and recurrence of symptoms.


Can a pilonidal sinus heal on its own?

In rare cases where the pilonidal sinus is small, it may drain and resolve on its own. However, most cases of pilonidal sinus require medical intervention. While modern medicine practices may offer a more aggressive approach to treatment, holistic ayurvedic treatments offer gentler and more natural therapies. These include the use of Shodhana, Lekhana, Marma, warm herbal poultices, oral preparations, Kshara Sutra therapy, etc.

Is surgery always necessary for a pilonidal sinus?

A pilonidal sinus is a small hole or tunnel located at the top of the two buttocks. Treatment of the pilonidal sinus is only needed if it becomes infected. It can be treated with antibiotics or excision surgery to get rid of the abscess and infected tissue. The ancient science of ayurveda on the other hand offers more holistic types of equally effective therapies that don’t require outright surgery, and treat from the root level.

Are there any ayurvedic home remedies for pilonidal sinus?

Known as Nadi Virana in ayurveda, pilonidal sinuses can be treated effectively using ayurvedic home remedies too. While Kshara Sutra is the main ayurvedic replacement for pilonidal sinus surgery in modern medicine, it involves the insertion of a specially prepared medicated thread treated with strong alkali and herbal powders and inserted into the hole or tunnel. Other ayurvedic home remedies include warm herbal poultices that are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory in nature.

How does weight affect the risk of developing a pilonidal sinus?

While the exact cause of pilonidal sinus isn’t well-known, it is believed to be caused by loose hair piercing the skin at the top of the two buttocks. Other factors that affect the risk of developing pilonidal sinus include prolonged sitting, wearing of tight clothes that prevent air circulation, and having excess weight. Since ayurveda treatments target the root cause of every condition, it offers dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes for pilonidal sinus development too.

Can exercise or physical activity impact pilonidal sinus?

Sitting for prolonged periods of time, having excess weight, as well as indulging in physical activities like cycling, can put individuals in the 15-30 age bracket at higher risk of developing pilonidal sinuses. Having said that, exercise and activity is also necessary for staying fit and maintaining a healthy weight to prevent development of pilonidal sinus. Furthermore, those already having pilonidal sinus may find it distressing to engage in walking or physical activity.




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