Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine gaining global acceptance, offers remedies for sleep disorders in Kochi. Ayurvedic treatments include holistic approaches like Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Nasya, Panchakarma therapy, and herbal medications. It’s crucial to undergo these treatments under the careful guidance of an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner who understands individual patient needs.


  1. Problems falling asleep
  2. Difficulty in staying asleep
  3. Feeling excessively tired during the day
  4. Restless irregular sleep and wake cycles
  5. Frequent vivid nightmares
  6. Loud, disruptive snoring
  7. Low mood and energy levels


Sleep disorders can affect your health negatively and affect people of all ages.
Here’s a look at some common sleep disorders:



Commonly triggered by anxiety, depression, stress, or other medical conditions, insomnia is marked by difficulties in both falling asleep and staying asleep.


Restless leg syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs, whether sitting or lying down, causing disruptions in natural sleep and leading to daytime fatigue.


Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea involves brief interruptions in breathing, lasting up to 10 seconds, due to partial or complete airway blockage. This condition results in fragmented sleep, with individuals often waking up with a choking or gasping sound due to low oxygen saturation. Sleep apnea can contribute to various health issues.



Parasomnia comprises sleep disorders involving disruptive physical events during sleep, such as sleepwalking, sleep talking, bedwetting, or night terrors. Triggered by factors like sleep apnea and certain medications, parasomnia interferes with normal sleep patterns.



Narcolepsy, a chronic sleep and neurological disorder, involves sudden, uncontrollable sleep attacks and daytime sleepiness. Individuals may experience cataplexy—sudden loss of muscle tone, often triggered by strong emotions. Treatment options may include medications such as antidepressants or stimulants.


Jet lag

Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder caused by a misalignment between a new time zone and the individual’s daily rhythm. Common during rapid travel across multiple time zones, it results in symptoms like fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Jet lag is a type of Circadian rhythm disorder, which also encompasses shift work disorder.



This is a medical condition where the person feels excessively sleepy and tired. It’s not due to any underlying disease, but due to lack of sleep, extreme exertion, jet lag, pregnancy, consuming a large meal, or use of alcohol or marijuana, etc.



A sleep disorder characterized by excessive grinding of teeth or clenching of jaw during day or night. Bruxism can result in damaged teeth, headaches, jaw pain, etc.


  1. Medical Conditions
  2. Psychiatric Disorders
  3. Stress and Lifestyle Factors
  4. Medications
  5. Substance Use
  6. Genetics
  7. Aging
  8. Environmental Factors


If you are experiencing the symptoms of sleep disorders, then it’s better to get its underlying cause treated at the earliest. This is because when sleep disorders are left untreated, there is the potential for other complications to develop too. Here’s a look at some of the associated complications of sleep disorders:

  1. Sleep disorders can have a significant impact on the social and emotional wellbeing of the person, reducing quality of life, increasing problems at work/school and household/family issues.
  2. They can also lead to excessive daytime fatigue which affects the ability to function both physically and mentally during the day.
  3. Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders can also lead towards development of mood disorders such as irritability, aggression, depression or anxiety disorders.
  4. Impaired cognitive functions can arise as a result of chronic sleep deprivation too. This can lead to complications such as forgetfulness and loss of concentration, memory and decision-making abilities.
  5. There is also the possibility of cardiovascular problems arising from sleep disorders such as apnea. It could lead to complications of high blood pressure, heart attacks or strokes.
  6. With daytime fatigue and impaired cognitive function associated with sleep disorders, there is an increased risk for road accidents while driving too.


The Indian system of medicine, ayurveda, follows a holistic approach towards sleep disorder treatments, by first balancing the vata, kapha and pitta doshas. This ayurvedic approach of detox therapies is best provided by ayurvedic doctors. Here’s a look at some ayurvedic treatments for sleep disorders:

  1. Ayurvedic herbs/medicines for sleep disorders such as Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Jatamansi are very useful in improving sleep quality, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  2. Ayurvedic treatments focus on the importance of practicing a healthy lifestyle, including a wholesome balanced diet, regular exercise and yoga and meditation – all great for stress management and better sleep.
  3. Warm medicated oil body massages known as Abhyanga are well-known for relaxing the mind and body, promoting better sleep and managing insomnia.
  4. Panchakarma is another excellent ayurvedic treatment for sleep disorders in Kerala that helps get rid of toxins from the body, boost metabolism and balance out the doshas – or body energies. It ultimately leads to better health and improved sleep.
  5. Oil-based ayurveda treatments include the use of ayurvedic oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil or ghee, which are ideal for massage or for internal consumption. These help in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  6. Other ayurvedic treatments include Shirodhara, Shiroabhyanga and Vasti.
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Which is best ayurvedic therapy for sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders are of many types, hence it’s impossible to pick one and say it’s the best ayurvedic therapy. Having said that, some of the best ayurvedic therapy for sleep disorders include Abhyanga (warm oil massage), Shirodhara, Shiroabhyanga and Vasti, ayurvedic herb formulations (containing Brahmi, ashwagandha, jatamansi, etc.), specific yoga asanas (that reduce cortisol and promote relaxation), etc.

Which dosha causes sleep problems?

According to ayurveda, the doshas perform various functions, including affecting the sleep pattern. There are three main types of doshas; an increase in the kapha dosha causes sleepiness in a person. An increase in the vata or pitta doshas on the other hand, can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia. These imbalances may follow physical or mental exertion or even some disease.

Is it normal to have a sleeping disorder?

It is completely normal for a person to experience sleep problems once in a while. However, having difficulties falling asleep or having problems related to sleeping on a regular basis, could mean you have a sleep disorder. This could be in response to some other underlying health issue too and it’s always better to see a doctor at the earliest.

How can I prevent sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders can be easily treated with lifestyle changes and some medications if there are no underlying cause for your sleep disorder. However, you too can take some steps to prevent sleep disorders from happening by sticking to regular bed timings, leading an active life, avoiding/limiting caffeine and alcohol at bedtime, avoiding in-between naps or having heavy meals before bedtime.

Can insomnia be cured permanently with ayurvedic treatment?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder where it’s hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Ayurveda offers permanent help for those suffering from insomnia with the use of certain ayurvedic herbal formulations which contain herbs like ashwagandha, Brahmi, valerian, etc. Since ayurveda focuses on getting rid of insomnia from its roots, it’s your best choice of holistic treatment for insomnia.




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