The ‘Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program’ at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda centers in Kerala and Chennai, is a completely holistic and natural way to get rid of the excess fat deposits and the related health issues. The program ranges from 7 days to 28 days. By incorporating Ayurveda, Yoga, Functional fitness exercises and a tailor made weight loss diet, we make sure that a guest gets the best result possible.



The definition of overweight and obesity involves an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat posing health risks. A body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above signifies overweight, while 35 or higher is considered obese. Obesity stems from excess body fat, though factors like muscle, bone, or water can contribute to overweight. The imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure is the root cause. In Ayurveda, obesity, termed Stoulya, is viewed as a pathological condition altering metabolism, leading to fat deposition in specific areas. This condition brings about various health issues, including a diminished lifespan, reduced physical activity interest, challenges in coitus, debility, body odor, excessive sweating, and increased hunger and thirst. Recognizing and addressing these factors is crucial for effective obesity management and overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to health. By acknowledging the intricate interplay of factors, individuals can navigate a comprehensive path toward achieving and maintaining optimal health and weight.


  1. Genetics- Genetics play a role in obesity, as certain genetic predispositions can make a person more prone to gaining weight.
  2. Hormonal imbalances and medical conditions -such as hypothyroidism can also cause weight gain.
  3. Other factors -that may contribute to obesity include stress, lack of sleep, and certain medications.
  4. Change in Lifestyle-However, lifestyle and environmental factors also play a significant role in the development of obesity. An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are two of the most common causes of obesity. A diet high in calories, especially from unhealthy sources such as processed foods, fast foods, and sugary drinks, can contribute to weight gain. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle that lacks regular physical activity can also contribute to weight gain.

To avoid or treat this illness, it’s crucial to address the underlying causes of obesity and adopt lifestyle modifications as healthy eating practices. This can entail maintaining a nutritious diet, exercising frequently, and getting assistance from a doctor or counselor. People can lower their chance of acquiring obesity-related health issues and enhance their overall quality of life by taking steps to maintain a healthy weight.

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If you are struggling with obesity and have tried to lose weight through diet and exercise but have not been successful, it is important to see a doctor. A healthcare professional can help evaluate your BMI and current health status to determine if there are any underlying conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis, that may be contributing to your difficulty losing weight. They can also assess your nutrition and eating habits and determine if there are any changes that could help you achieve your weight loss goals. In addition, a doctor can help assess your exercise routine and determine if it is appropriate for your needs. They may recommend changes to your routine or refer you to a fitness professional for further guidance. It is important to have a balanced exercise routine that includes both cardiovascular activity and strength training to support weight loss and overall health. If you have a family history of obesity-related health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke, it is especially important to see a doctor for guidance and support in developing a weight loss plan. They can help assess your risk and recommend lifestyle changes or medical interventions to help you achieve a healthy weight and reduce your risk of developing these conditions. Overall, seeing a doctor for weight loss can be an important step in improving your health and achieving your weight loss goals.


The “Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program” offered at Sanjeevanam Ayurveda facilities is an entirely natural and holistic method of eradicating extra fat deposits and the associated health problems. The program lasts between 7 to 28 days. We ensure that a visitor receives the optimum outcome by incorporating Ayurveda, Yoga, functional fitness routines, and a specially designed weight loss diet.
An all-encompassing strategy for treating obesity and attaining long-lasting weight loss is ayurvedic weight loss treatment. It is founded on the ideas of Ayurveda, the conventional Indian medical system, which holds that the imbalance of the doshas, the biological forces that control our bodily and mental processes, is the primary cause of obesity. The ayurvedic approach to treating obesity comprises individualized care intending to reestablish the dosha balance and enhance general health.
Weight loss ayurvedic packages offered by ayurvedic centers typically include a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as herbal remedies and therapeutic massages.


The dietary plan is designed to nourish the body while helping to eliminate toxins and excess weight. It usually involves the consumption of whole, natural foods that are easy to digest and that support the body’s natural healing processes. The treatment plan may also include the use of herbal remedies and therapeutic massages to support weight loss and improve overall health.


Ayurvedic treatment at Sanjeevananam is tailor-made to the individual’s unique needs and involves a combination of various treatment modalities to achieve optimal results. Generally, the treatments usually include certain internal medications, Panchakarma treatments, and external therapies that help to lose weight. The internal medicines include certain herbal decoctions, powders, and tablets which are selected based on the condition of the patient. Diet and exercise are planned both to meet the nutritional requirement and lose weight systematically without getting tired. External treatments like certain dhaaras, udwarthanam(powder massage), lepanam(herbal paste application), etc. help one to lose weight. Also, Panchakarma treatments like Vamanam (Therapeutic emesis) and Virechanam (Therapeutic Purgation) are done after doing preparatory therapies like Snehapana, Swedana, etc. Special care and restriction in diet and lifestyle are also taken care of during these days.
Modifications in the treatments are made by the Ayurvedic practitioner after considering the health status and associated difficulties that happened to the patient after weight gain.
It is crucial to remember that ayurvedic weight loss treatment may involve persistence and dedication to get results. It can, however, be an effective tool for obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight if used properly.



Shamana (Palliative) Treatment:

  1. Langhana (Fasting)
  2. Ama Pachana (Oral intake of digestive medications)
  3. Udwarthana (Dry medicated powder massage)
  4. Physical Exercises and Mental Strategies.

Panchakarma – Samshodhana Chikitsa (Purificatory procedures):

  1. Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)
  2. Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
  3. Lekhana Vasthi (Scraping medicated enema)


At Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital, we concentrate on the root causes of Sthoulya and try to prevent obesity from its childhood. Apatarpana acts as the way of treatment, and it includes a Panchakarma treatment, a planned diet, freshly prepared oral medications, specially designed external Ayurvedic weight reduction procedures, therapeutic exercises, yoga postures for the body, pranayama, and meditation for the mind.
This helps in getting rid of the created fat and harmful chemicals, repairing the entire digestive system and metabolism. To deter an unhealthy lifestyle, it also offers appropriate education and awareness based on Ayurvedic principles.
Ayurvedic weight loss treatments aim to eliminate excess body fat, helping overweight individuals return to healthy BMI limits and preventing complications associated with obesity.



Yoga is beneficial in maintaining good health by regulating BMI, improving biochemical functions of the body and helpful to overcome the complications of obesity and reduces metabolic risk factors. Most people practice yoga to improve flexibility and balance, relieve stress and reduce aches and pains. But yoga can also help to lose weight and it provides positive influence on the mental aspects associated with successful weight loss and weight maintenance.
Yoga can increase body awareness, counter negative and self-judging thoughts related to eating habits and foster a sense of self control. A combination of physical exertion from asanas and mental benefits derived from relaxation, pranayama and mindful meditation leads to a productive weight loss strategy.
Physical poses which are associated with weight loss involves twists that encourages digestion, standing poses that strengthen larger muscle groups and forward bends that stimulate abdominal organs and thyroid glands.



    Surya Namaskara

Surya namaskara, a series of 12 asanas that can elevate the heart and breathing rate. Performing the Surya namaskara poses for 30 minutes produces a cardio respiratory training effect and an energy expenditure of 230 kcal.

Chathuranga Dandasana

    Chathuranga Dandasana

Chathuranga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose), also known as Low Plank, is one of the most effective yoga asanas for losing weight and toning the abdomen. This yoga pose helps build strength in the arms, wrists, lower and upper back, as well as the abdominal muscles. It helps develop your core stability and increase your stamina, among many other benefits.


    Virabhadrasana III

The pose falls in the category of forward bend postures, it therefore works on the abdominal region aiding in losing belly fat. The Virabhadrasana III works on hamstrings, hips, shoulders and upper spine. In addition to this, it strengthens the legs as well.



Sarvangasana comes with multiple benefits, from increasing strength to improving digestion. But it is known for boosting metabolism and balancing thyroid levels. Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand strengthens the upper body, abdominal muscles and legs, improves the respiratory system and improves sleep.



Navasana strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, thighs and shoulders. The stretching, compressing and relaxation of the abdominal region involved with Navasana is a really good and effective way of burning belly fat if practiced on a regular basis.



Vashisthasana is a high intensity pose that puts a lot of stress on the abdominal muscles, thighs, arms and shoulders. If performed correctly, the pose can be very effective in supporting weight loss.



The standing crescent lunge, this stretches the hip flexors and releases tension in the rear of the hips. It gets your heart rate up, which helps speed up your metabolism and is also a great stretch for the legs.


    Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana

It is excellent for gluteal muscles, thyroid as well as weight loss. It improves muscle tone, digestion, regulates the hormones and improves the thyroid levels. It also strengthens the back muscles and reduces back pain.



The trikonasana helps to improve digestion as well as reduce the fat deposited in the belly and waist. It stimulates and improves blood circulation in the entire body. The lateral motion of this asana helps burn more fat from the waist and build more muscles in the thighs and hamstrings.


    Parivritta Utkatasana

The Parivritta Utkatasana is also called the Yoga’s version of the squat. But it is little more intense and tones the abdominal muscles and works the quads and glutes. The asana also improves the lymphatic flow and the digestive system.



Dhanurasana helps massage the abdominal organs, improves digestion and strengthens the thighs, chest and back. It stretches the whole body, strengthens and tones the muscles with improved blood circulation.


    Ardha Matsyendrasana

It stretches the spine and tones the thighs and abdominal muscles. It stimulates the digestive system helping you digest food more efficiently and lose weight.


• Use warm water for drinking.

• Include lemon in diet and drinks.

• Take low-fat and low-calorie food items.

• Take more proteins to stay longer without food.

• Take frequent small meals to avoid food cravings.

• Intake of healthy diet comprising of sufficient fibre.

• Steamed / boiled and baked vegetables rather than fried.

• Stay active, do yoga, meditate for stress and fatigue management.

• According to the individual capacity do mild to moderate exercises.

• Include cabbage in daily meal. It will stop the conversion of sugars to fat.


• Excessive sleep

• Sedentary habits

• Watching TV while having food.

• Alcohol consumption and smoking.

• Salty foods or excessive salt in meals.

• Sweet items, dairy by products, fried and oily foods, fast foods.

• High starch and carbohydrate vegetables like potato, rice, wheat etc.




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