Kidney disease and its management

Monday, March 20, 2023

The kidney is a filtering organ that eliminates metabolic waste products. If the body produces too much metabolic waste, the kidneys will be unable to effectively filter it out, which will lead to various illnesses. Chronic kidney disease also referred to as chronic kidney failure, is characterized by a progressive loss of renal function. Wastes and extra fluid are eliminated from the blood through urine after being filtered out by the kidneys. The body may accumulate hazardous amounts of fluid, electrolytes, and wastes as a result of advanced chronic renal disease.

According to Ayurveda, all diseases are brought on by excessive usage, obstruction, or growth of abnormal cells of body channels. These channels are called srothas. The kidney is considered the organ connected to Mutravaha Srothas. These bodily channels (muthravaha srotas), that are transporting the fluids into the Kidneys and filtered urine out of the Kidneys. The Kidneys are under stress when there is less fluid incoming through the srothas, which causes them to shrink. But when the outbound channels (filtration mechanism) are blocked, swelling of the organ will happen. These conditions will lead to the damage of the Kidney cells and their functions. This disease is named Vrukka Vidradhi Vrukka Sopham. 

Depending on the severity, many symptoms like, Loss of appetite, Fatigue and weakness, Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle cramps, swelling of feet and ankles, Sleep disturbances, Dry or itchy skin, Frequent or less Urination, Hematuria (blood in urine), Proteinuria (Albumin in Urine), Puss in urine, lessening of mental sharpness, Uncontrolled High blood pressure (Hypertension), disorientation of time and place due to Electrolyte imbalance, fluid builds up in the lungs and lining of the heart, Chest pain, Shortness of breath etc.

Common causes of Chronic Kidney diseases are Diabetes type 1 or type 2, Hypertension, Glomerulonephritis, Interstitial nephritis, Other hereditary kidney disorders, Polycystic kidney disease, Kidney stones, Pyelonephritis, Enlarged prostate, and certain malignancies etc.

Chronic kidney disease, Cystinosis, Glomerulonephritis, Lupus Nephritis, IgA Nephropathy, Fabry disease, Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), Polycystic Kidney Disease, Hyperphosphatemia, Kidney stones, Urinary tract infections are some of the major types of Kidney diseases.

If there is High blood pressure, Change in urinating patterns, Edema or swelling over the legs and face, frequent nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, Brain fog (Mental confusion) etc, then immediately should consult a doctor.  

Treatment for chronic renal disease mainly aims to address the underlying cause in order to decrease the progression of kidney damage. Sanjeevanam is one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala for Kidney disease management. After thorough evaluation using Ayurveda assessment standards for both the patient’s state and the disease, the treatment strategy will be determined and start with a bio-cleansing regimen after accelerating the fundamental fat metabolism. The hormone correction will come next. We are also performing Special Thakra Dhara and Vasthi procedures to improve immunity and quality of life. After completion of the procedures, internal medicines will administer to get a sustained result and also to arrest further damage to the organ.

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