Managing Seizure Clusters: Tips and Strategies That Work

Tuesday November 28, 2023

Seizure clusters happen when you have multiple seizures within a short period of time, usually within 24 hours. This can be caused by stress, lack of sleep, missing medication doses, hormone changes, or even illness.

If you experience a seizure cluster, there are a few things you can do. First, try to remain calm. Seizure clusters are common and they will eventually pass. Second, check your medication. Make sure you haven’t missed any doses recently. If you did, take your medication as prescribed. Third, try to identify any potential triggers. Think about recent stressful events, changes in sleep schedule, or illness. Reducing these triggers can help prevent future clusters.

If the cluster continues for more than a few hours, seek medical help right away. You may need additional medication to stop the seizures. While you wait for medical attention, have someone stay with you to provide support. Try to relax in a safe place away from hazards.

Remember, seizure clusters are temporary and there are things you can do to help manage them. Taking your medication as prescribed, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and avoiding triggers can all help reduce the frequency and severity of clusters going forward. But when a cluster does happen, prioritizing safety, remaining calm, and seeking medical help if needed are the most impor

Can epilepsy be cured with Ayurveda?

Pancha karma or the fivefold detoxification therapies play an important role in controlling epilepsy in children. Vamana or therapeutic vomiting helps to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the blood and tissues. Virechana or purgation therapy through herbal laxatives helps to eliminate the excess Kapha and cleanse the colon. Nasya or nasal administration of medicated oils and herbal drops help to pacify Vata dosha and relieve seizures. Basti or medicated enema therapy is extremely beneficial in children with epilepsy as it calms down the nervous system and controls the frequency of fits. Shirodhara or pouring of warm herbalized oil on the forehead also helps to pacify Vata and relieve stress.

Along with panchakarma, ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Kalmegh are prescribed to strengthen the nervous system. A proper diet and lifestyle that avoids foods that aggravate Vata like cold, dry, and frozen foods also aids in managing epilepsy in children.

Best Epilepsy Ayurvedic Center in Kerala

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition that creates a neurological imbalance, which in turn leads to loss of consciousness and epileptic attacks. Ayurveda calls epilepsy as Apasmara which needs a long-term management plan that includes herbal medication, panchakarma, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital ,situated in kochi ,kerala having good neurodevelopmental team consist of Ayurvedic neuro-developmental pediatrician , diet consultants , yoga and naturopathic experts , panchakrma specalised doctors ,physiotherapists ,well trained therapists for child care .

Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital utilizes a holistic approach to treat epilepsy. Their treatment focuses on balancing the doshas – vata, pitta and kapha – which can become imbalanced and cause seizures. They use internal and external treatments including medicated oils, herbal powders and herbal drinks

For internal medicine, they create custom herbal powders and drinks using anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsive and nervine herbs
Alongside herbal treatments, they focus on diet and lifestyle changes. This includes following a vata-pacifying diet with warm, cooked foods and spices like ginger, cumin and cloves. Meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques are also prescribed to reduce stress levels which can trigger seizures.

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