Strength within Karkatakakanji

Tuesday November 28, 2023

Its month of Karkitaka again. If you think of the body as a vehicle, Karkitaka the time to ‘put it to work’. The ancestors say that this month of rain, which warms the mind, is the most suitable time for treatments that give new life to the body. Karkataka kanji or medicine porridge is important in the treatments to give new life to the body by increasing the immunity, removing toxins, stopping the three doshas of vata, pitta and kapha. In the past, porridge was prepared from herbs found on roadsides and trunks. It means that the cost was very low. However, now there is no fulfilment without depending on wholesale drug stores. Now, many companies have already brought the packet Karkataka Kanji to the market. Each place has a different method of making medicinal Kanji. We can prepare this ourselves by adding herbs without much cost.

karkidaka kanji recipe

The aim of Karkataka kanji Seva is to rejuvenate the body. The combination of drug porridge is good for relieving fatigue, increasing appetite, and promoting the growth of minerals. Medicinal porridge can be prepared at home. Can be consumed continuously for 41 days.


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