When a person reaches the level of addiction to alcohol or cigarettes, they have developed a physical and psychological dependence on those substances. Alcohol and drugs give people pleasure at first, but they eventually destroy them slowly from the inside. De-Addiction is a treatment or method used to treat drug, alcohol, and tobacco addiction. The Rehabilitation to addiction to alcohol may take at least six weeks. Specialised Panchakarma Therapy, healthy lifestyle choices, herbal preparations, and medicines can all be used to treat de-addiction. At Sanjeevanam Ayurveda Hospital we offer specialised care and treatment to people who wishes to get out of addiction.


There are various physical and behavioural indicators that may point to an individual having problems with their alcohol use, yet only a healthcare professional can make the diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder. There are various physical and behavioral indicators that may point to an individual having problems with their alcohol use, yet only a healthcare professional can make the diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder.
Alcohol abuse has an effect on the brain and almost all body organs. Alcohol reduces the brain’s capacity for function, which can affect how the body moves and functions. An inflamed stomach lining, for instance, might result from frequent, excessive drinking and be followed by indigestion, nausea, and bloating.
The following are some possible physical indicators of potential alcohol abuse:

• An unsteady gait.
• Impaired attention or memory.
• Memory blackouts./Lack of coordination.
• Sweating.
• Tachycardia (rapid heart rate).
• Diarrhea.
• Bloating.
• Slurred speech.
• Nausea/Vomiting.
• Excessive sleepiness.

A person’s body and brain may become physically dependent on alcohol as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption, in which case they become accustomed to its presence and require it to operate. Withdrawal symptoms are likely to appear if the person abruptly stops drinking or dramatically reduces their intake.
Anxiety, agitation, nausea, vomiting, headaches, sleeplessness, tremors, hallucinations, and seizures are a few symptoms of withdrawal.
Alcohol, as already mentioned, influences how the brain operates and functions, which can have an impact on how someone feels and behaves.
Behavioural indicators of alcohol abuse include: judgmental impairment, unsuitable sexual conduct, Aggressiveness, mood shifts, Depression, Anxiety, poor social skills.
driving or using machinery issues, Suicidal tendencies etc.


For alcoholism, there are numerous efficient, scientifically supported treatment alternatives. The majority of treatment centres will use any or all of the following techniques.


The people, generally addicted to alcohol suffer a lot of stress and related physical ailments. Many times when the coordination and cognition levels are affected, excessive alcohol usage can also severely impair your GI tract and cause complications. Hence it is required to take detoxification therapies to remove the toxins out of body and become healthy and rejuvenated.


Yoga and Meditation:
There is no requirement that a yoga practice include a spiritual or religious component. Any form of relaxation that promotes calmness, emotional balance, and mental clarity is known as meditation. Studies have shown that yoga and meditation sessions given by mental health professionals can serve as therapy for people with substance use disorders and enhance other forms of treatment.


A patient discusses their issues and experiences with a licenced psychologist during psychotherapy. The environment for a talk therapy session could be one-on-one, in a group, or in a family. A patient’s psychologist may speak with them about ongoing problems, persistent problems, and past traumas.
A psychologist may assist a patient in psychotherapy for alcoholism to better understand and control their urges and maintain motivation to reach their sobriety goals.


Cognitive behavioural therapy:
CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, is a tried-and-true technique for easing alcoholism’s effects. The fundamental tenet of CBT is the significance of recognising negative thoughts and behaviours and swapping them out for positive ones.When to See a Doctor for alcohol rehabilitation.


Marma abhyanga:
A therapy involving the gentle massage of specific energy points on the body to improve circulation, balance, and mental clarity.


Dialectical behavioural therapy:
A therapy involving the administration of herbal enemas to remove toxins from the body and promote balance.


Motivational interview.:
Because many people feel helpless in the face of addiction and can benefit from a boost in willpower to resolve to take action against it, MI is a popular therapy for treating substance misuse problems. A therapist will persuade a patient to commit to change, like giving up drinking, during a motivational interview.


Art and Music therapy:
Therapists especially teach art and music therapy sessions to treat persons with alcoholism. The goals of art and music therapy are to aid in relaxation, emotional expression, and good activity retention. The feelings of despair and anxiety, two prevalent mental health conditions that affect persons who are battling alcoholism, can also be lessened by art and music.


Alcohol abuse can be harmful to your health. It goes along with:

• Harm to the brain, including dementia.
• Sadness, hopelessness, and suicide.
• Cancers of the mouth, liver, breast, and colon.
• Foetal alcohol syndrome may result from prenatal alcohol exposure.
• Injuries (such as fractures or drowning) and accidents (such as burns or falls).
• Issues with the liver, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver
• Hypertension may lead to heart attack
• Assaults, DUIs, homicides, and blackouts.

Additionally, heavy or frequent drinking might cause result problems in Work, money, and relationships with others.


Ayurvedic treatments for Alcohol intoxication starts with Detoxification therapy. Many times people addicted to alcohol will have imbalanced doshas and continous drinking can cause serious impact on their genral health. Many people experience liverdamage, kidney poblems and other problems related to gastro intestinal tract. To remove the accumulate toxins the doctors advise Pancha karma therapies. The common Panchakarma therapies done are



This enables medicine controlled vomiting and help in disposing off the toxins and excess vitiated Kapha dosha from the body tissues. In many cases for Alcohol intoxification , Vamana should be done in caution as alcoholism is many times related to Hypertension and liver disorders. Scar tissue can cause the development of toxins, decrease blood flow through your liver, and increase pressure in a significant blood channel (the portal vein).


This is one of the most effective therapies in detoxifying toxins in Alcohol intoxification. Usually done after preparatory Snehapana. It helps to remove the adhered toxins and improve metabolism and general health.


Nasya is very effective therapy which involves instillation of medicine in to nose for detoxifation. It also have stimulatory effect in brain. The main element here is the limbic system, which is connected to emotion, memory, and learning, and is stimulated during the nasya technique.


Vasti is a therapy which has systemic effect and improves the body absorpion. Usually practised after Shodhana therapies like vaman or virechana


When alcohol is taken , it has direct impact on circulatory system as it get directly absorbed to blood. This may result in skin damage, blackening of skin and sever deterioartion of skin and liver. Raktamoksha procedure can inturn purify blood and bring back normal texure to skin.

Localised therapies

1.Sudation therapies

Generally in alcoholism is not advised to do sudation thearies as it is a pitta predominent vyadi. However, physician can do drava sweda and upaha sweda which is generally advised to do these vikara. Also pottali sveda which is not mor e teekhna can be tried in this case also


Abhyangam is a soothing oil massage performed on body to nourish and rejuvinate body. This can destress the patients and also provides good sleep

3.Shirodhara/ Takradhara

They give relaxation of mind and rejuvinate the body. It also helps correct the limbic system and Hypothalamo- pituatory axis which is responsible for secertion of various hormones.

Rasayana chikitsa which include medicines to nourish and rejuvinate health of the persons can also be done which promotes magical result. Many herbal prepartaions can be tried to stop the uncontrolled urge of addiction. In addition to this ayurveda advises to follow healthy diet and lifestyle pattern which help these people to come back to normal day to day life.


Yoga, a type of mind-body exercise, has its origins in India and has been shown to promote both physical and mental health while reducing perceived stress and anxiety. Understanding Yoga Therapy and Addiction: Addiction is a disorder that has complex effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Self-awareness, stress reduction, and improved emotional control are all benefits of yoga therapy, a mind-body discipline that incorporates physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. People can learn to control triggers and cravings, establish a sense of inner peace and resilience, and learn to manage triggers and cravings by paying attention to the present moment and practising mindfulness.

Benefits of Using Yoga Therapy in Addiction Recovery:

For those in recovery from substance misuse, yoga therapy can provide a number of advantages, such as:

1. Relaxation and stress reduction


2. Better control over emotions


3. A greater sense of knowledge and acceptance of oneself


4. Improved flexibility and physical fitness


5. Better sleep hygiene


6. A decrease in the signs of anxiety and despair



Ayurveda is highly effective in managing Addiction to alcohol and other substance abuse. Satwavachaya chikitsa along with Panchakarma is beneficial in this condition. The type of Panchakarma is carefully selected and planned by the physician and administered for detoxing the body. After that , patient is given Rasayana chikitsa for nourishing and improving health. In ayurveda there are multiple herbs that can improve mental and physical problems related to alcoholism. Treatments like Virechana can help in detoxifying body. Other treatments like Abhyangam, Takradhara, Shirodhra, Nasya etc. with appropriate medicines can be done, which helps in improvement of symptoms.




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